Aanand Prasad

Author Archives: Aanand Prasad

Live Debugging with Docker

During the DockerCon 2016 keynote, I demonstrated a development workflow with Docker for Mac, going from a fresh laptop to a running app in no time. The especially cool part was when I live-debugged a Node.js app running inside a container from my IDE, despite having no Node.js runtime installed on my laptop. Here I’m going to show you how to do it yourself.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. Docker: I recommend Docker for Mac or Windows, which are in public beta.
  2. An IDE which supports Node.js remote debugging: I used Visual Studio Code.
  3. A Node.js application: I’ll create a simple one as part of this tutorial.


Example Application

Create a directory to work from:

$ mkdir node-example
$ cd node-example

To get our app running, we’ll need 5 files:

  • A JavaScript file to contain the actual app code
  • A package.json to define the npm dependencies
  • An HTML template
  • A Dockerfile to package the whole app in a container
  • A Compose file to set up a development environment. (The Compose file will also come in very handy if the app ever grows beyond a single container, but we won’t bother with that today.)

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Announcing Docker Compose

Today we’re excited to announce that Docker Compose is available for download. Docker Compose is an orchestration tool that makes spinning up multi-container applications effortless. Head to the install docs to download it. With Compose, you define your application’s components … Continued