Author Archives: Adam Janiš
Author Archives: Adam Janiš
We rely on technology to help us on a daily basis – if you are not good at keeping track of time, your calendar can remind you when it's time to prepare for your next meeting. If you made a reservation at a really nice restaurant, you don't want to miss it! You appreciate the app to remind you a day before your plans the next evening.
However, who tells the application when it's the right time to send you a notification? For this, we generally rely on scheduled events. And when you are relying on them, you really want to make sure that they occur. Turns out, this can get difficult. The scheduler and storage backend need to be designed with scale in mind - otherwise you may hit limitations quickly.
Workers, Durable Objects, and Alarms are actually a perfect match for this type of workload. Thanks to the distributed architecture of Durable Objects and their storage, they are a reliable and scalable option. Each Durable Object has access to its own isolated storage and alarm scheduler, both being automatically replicated and failover in case of failures.
There are many use cases where having a reliable scheduler can come Continue reading
We are starting our Platform Week focused on the most important aspect of a developer platform — developers. At the core of every announcement this week is developer experience. In other words, it doesn’t matter how groundbreaking the technology is if at the end of the day we’re not making your job as a developer easier.
Earlier today, we announced the general availability of a new Wrangler version, making it easier than ever to get started and develop with Workers. We’re also excited to announce that we’re partnering with StackBlitz. Together, we will bring the Wrangler experience closer to you – directly to your browser, with no dependencies required!
StackBlitz is a web-based code editor provided with a fresh and fast development environment on each page load. StackBlitz’s development environments are powered by WebContainers, the first WebAssembly-based operating system, which boots secure development environments entirely within your browser tab.
One of the Wrangler improvements we announced today is the option to easily run Wrangler in any Node.js environment, including your browser which is now powered by WebContainers!
StackBlitz’s WebContainers are optimized for starting any project within seconds, including the installation of Continue reading