Author Archives: adriancolyer
Author Archives: adriancolyer
Interactive checks for coordination avoidance Whittaker & Hellerstein et al., VLDB’19
I am so pleased to see a database systems paper addressing the concerns of the application developer!
To the developer, a strongly consistent system behaves exactly like a single-threaded system running on a single node, so reasoning about the behaviour of the system is simple1. Unfortunately strong consistency is at odds with performance… On the other hand weak consistency models… put a tremendous burden on the application designer to reason about the complex interleavings of operations that are allowed by these weak consistency models.
To be able to reason effectively about a system, it’s tremendously helpful to be able to rely on some things that we know will always be true. The fancy word for those is invariants, because whatever happens they never vary. A example class of application invariants is database integrity constraints. Unfortunately, under weak consistency models finding solid ground to reason about invariants is really hard:
Even if every transaction executing in a weakly consistent system individually maintains an application invariant, the system as a whole can produce invariant-violating states.
In a distributed setting with weak consistency, an object is replicated across a Continue reading
Snuba: automating weak supervision to label training data Varma & Ré, VLDB 2019
This week we’re moving on from ICML to start looking at some of the papers from VLDB 2019. VLDB is a huge conference, and once again I have a problem because my shortlist of “that looks really interesting, I’d love to read it” papers runs to 54 long at the moment! As a special bonus for me, I’m actually going to be at VLDB this year, where no doubt I’ll learn about even more interesting things! By the time you get to read this, it should be the first (workshop) day of the conference…
The conference may have changed, but to bridge from ICML to VLDB I’m going to start with a paper on very much the same theme as we’ve been dipping into over the past couple of weeks: how to combine and learn from multiple noisy sources of data and labels. Snuba is from the same Stanford line as Snorkel which we looked at last year. It’s tackling the same fundamental problem: how to gather enough labeled data to train a model, and how to effectively use it in a weak supervision setting (supervised learning Continue reading
Learning to prove theorems via interacting with proof assistants Yang & Deng, ICML’19
Something a little different to end the week: deep learning meets theorem proving! It’s been a while since we gave formal methods some love on The Morning Paper, and this paper piqued my interest.
You’ve probably heard of Coq, a proof management system backed by about 30 years of research and developed out of INRIA. Here’s how the Coq home page introduces it:
Coq is a formal proof management system. It provides a formal language to write mathematical definitions, executable algorithms and theorems together with an environment for semi-interactive development of machine-checked proofs.
Certified programs can then be extracted to languages like OCaml, Haskell, and Scheme.
In fully automated theorem proving (ATP), after providing a suitable formalism and a theorem, the goal is to be able to push a button and have the system prove that the theorem is true (or false!). The state-of-the-art in ATP is still some way behind human experts though it two key areas: the scale of systems it can tackle, and the interpretability of the generated proofs.
What a typical theorem prover does… is to prove by resolution refutation: it Continue reading
Statiscal foundations of virtual democracy Kahng et al., ICML’19
This is another paper on the theme of combining information and making decisions in the face of noise and uncertainty – but the setting is quite different to those we’ve been looking at recently. Consider a food bank that receives donations of food and distributes it to those in need. The goal is to implement an automated decision making system such that when a food donation is received, the system outputs the organisation (e.g. housing authority or food pantry) that should receive it. We could hard code a set of rules, but what should they be? And who gets to decide?
A democratic solution to this would be to give each of the stakeholders a vote on every decision. In the food bank setting, identified classes of stakeholders include the donors, the recipients, the volunteers (who pick up food from the donor and deliver it to the recipient), and employees. Their votes encode their own preferences and biases, perhaps in a way that even the voters themselves couldn’t neatly codify in a set of explicit rules.
It’s not really practical to have an actual vote with all stakeholders participating Continue reading
Robust learning from untrusted sources Konstantinov & Lampert, ICML’19
Welcome back to a new term of The Morning Paper! Just before the break we were looking at selected papers from ICML’19, including “Data Shapley.” I’m going to pick things up pretty much where we left off with a few more ICML papers…
Data Shapley provides us with one way of finding and correcting or eliminating low-value (and potentially harmful) data points from a training set. In today’s paper choice, Konstantinov & Lampert provide a way of assessing the value of datasets as a whole. The idea is that you might be learning e.g. a classifier by combining data from multiple sources. By assigning a value (weighting) to each of those data sources we can intelligently combine them to get the best possible performance out of the resulting trained model. So if you need more data in order to improve the performance of your model, ‘Robust learning from untrusted sources’ provides an approach that lets you tap into additional, potentially noisier, sources.
It’s similar in spirit to Snorkel which we looked at last year, and is designed to let you incorporate data from multiple ‘weakly supervised’ (i.e. noisy) Continue reading
I can’t believe we’ve arrived at the end-of-term again already! I’ll be taking a four-week break from writing The Morning Paper, normal service resumes on Monday 19th August. A big milestone will slip quietly by during this recess – it was five years ago on the 30th July 2014 that I read and shared the very first paper in this current streak of paper reading. In case you’re wondering, that paper was "Why functional programming matters" (revisited again on the blog 2 years later). In terms of published posts, we’re also rapidly approaching the 1,000 posts/papers mark! I wonder what amazing research developments the next five years might bring us??!
There are so many interesting papers published all the time, and I can only cover the tiniest fraction of them on The Morning Paper. If you still feel in need of your regular paper fix over the next few weeks, then a great exercise is to think back to a paper you particularly enjoyed, see where it was published, and then go look through the proceedings to discover what else is there you might like.
For example, let’s say you enjoyed ‘Designing far memory data structures: think Continue reading
Meta-learning neural bloom filters Rae et al., ICML’19
Bloom filters are wonderful things, enabling us to quickly ask whether a given set could possibly contain a certain value. They produce this answer while using minimal space and offering O(1) inserts and lookups. It’s no wonder Bloom filters and their derivatives (the family of approximate set membership algorithms) are used everywhere. Hash functions are the key to so many great algorithms, and Bloom filters are one of my favourite applications of them.
But Rae et al. think we can do even better, especially when it comes to the space required by an approximate set membership data structure. Being an ICLR paper of course, you won’t be surprised to learn that the solution involves neural networks. This puts us in the same territory as SageDB and ‘The case for learned index structures.’ Probably my favourite sentence in the whole paper is this one, which crisply sets out where machine learning might be able to find an advantage over traditional algorithms:
We build upon the recently growing literature on using neural networks to replace algorithms that are configured by heuristics, or do not take advantage of the data distribution.
Bloom Continue reading
Challenging common assumptions in the unsupervised learning of disentangled representations Locatello et al., ICML’19
Today’s paper choice won a best paper award at ICML’19. The ‘common assumptions’ that the paper challenges seem to be: “unsupervised learning of disentangled representations is possible, and useful!”
The key idea behind the unsupervised learning of disentangled representations is that real-world data is generated by a few explanatory factors of variation which can be recovered by unsupervised learning algorithms. In this paper, we provide a sober look at recent progress in the field and challenge some common assumptions.
Put the ‘disentangled’ part to one side for a moment, and let’s start out by revisiting what we mean by a representation. Given a real-world observation (e.g. of an image or video), a representation
is a transformation of
(typically to a lower dimensional space in order to be useful) that somehow preserves the salient information in the
so that we can still use
to extract useful information about the input (e.g. for building classifiers). As a trivial example, suppose we had real world observations consisting of 1000 points sampled from a Continue reading
Data Shapley: equitable valuation of data for machine learning Ghorbani & Zou et al., ICML’19
It’s incredibly difficult from afar to make sense of the almost 800 papers published at ICML this year! In practical terms I was reduced to looking at papers highlighted by others (e.g. via best paper awards), and scanning the list of paper titles looking for potentially interesting topics. For the next few days we’ll be looking at some of the papers that caught my eye during this process.
The now somewhat tired phrase “data is the new oil” (something we can consume in great quantities to eventually destroy the world as we know it???) suggests that data has value. But pinning down that value can be tricky – how much is a given data point worth, and what framework can we use for thinking about that question?
As data becomes the fuel driving technological and economic growth, a fundamental challenge is how to quantify the value of data in algorithmic predictions and decisions…. In this work we develop a principled framework to address data valuation in the context of supervised machine learning.
One of the nice outcomes is that once you’ve understood Continue reading
View-centric performance optimization for database-backed web applications Yang et al., ICSE 2019
The problem set-up in this paper discusses the importance of keeping web page load times low as a fundamental contributor to user satisfaction (See e.g. ‘Why performance matters’). Between client-side tools such as Google’s Lighthouse, back-end tools that can analyse ORM usage and database queries and point out issues such as N+1 selects, and the information provided by your favourite APM I was initially wondering what ground there was left to tread here. So I was pleasantly surprised when it turned out the authors were looking at the problem in a different way to most of these approaches.
Rather than accepting the current rendered view (web page) as seen by the end-user as fixed, and then asking what can be done to optimise the end-to-end loading time of that page, this paper examines the question of what changes to the current view could dramatically reduce its load time? I.e., small (or sometimes not so small) changes to what the end user ultimately sees on the page, that can have a net benefit on the overall user experience.
Empirical studies have found Continue reading
Three key checklists and remedies for trustworthy analysis of online controlled experiments at scale Fabijan et al., ICSE 2019
Last time out we looked at machine learning at Microsoft, where we learned among other things that using an online controlled experiment (OCE) approach to rolling out changes to ML-centric software is important. Prior to that we learned in ‘Automating chaos experiments in production’ of the similarities between running a chaos experiment and many other online controlled experiments. And going further back on The Morning Paper we looked at a model for evolving online controlled experiment capabilities within an organisation. Today’s paper choice builds on that by distilling wisdom collected from Microsoft, Airbnb, Snap, Skyscanner, Outreach.io, Intuit, Netflix, and Booking.com into a series of checklists that you can use as a basis for your own processes.
Online Controlled Experiments (OCEs) are becoming a standard operating procedure in data-driven software companies. When executed and analyzed correctly, OCEs deliver many benefits…
The challenge with OCEs though, as we’ve seen before, is that they’re really tricky to get right. When the output of those experiments is guiding product direction, that can be a problem.
Despite their great power Continue reading
Software engineering for machine learning: a case study Amershi et al., ICSE’19
Previously on The Morning Paper we’ve looked at the spread of machine learning through Facebook and Google and some of the lessons learned together with processes and tools to address the challenges arising. Today it’s the turn of Microsoft. More specifically, we’ll be looking at the results of an internal study with over 500 participants designed to figure out how product development and software engineering is changing at Microsoft with the rise of AI and ML.
… integration of machine learning components is happening all over the company, not just on teams historically known for it.
A list of application areas includes search, advertising, machine translation, predicting customer purchases, voice recognition, image recognition, identifying customer leads, providing design advice for presentations and word processing documents, creating unique drawing features, healthcare, improving gameplay, sales forecasting, decision optimisation, incident reporting, bug analysis, fraud detection, and security monitoring.
As you might imagine, these are underpinned by a wide variety of different ML models. The teams doing the work are also varied in their make-up, some containing data scientists with many years of experience, and others just starting out. In a Continue reading
Automating chaos experiments in production Basiri et al., ICSE 2019
Are you ready to take your system assurance programme to the next level? This is a fascinating paper from members of Netflix’s Resilience Engineering team describing their chaos engineering initiatives: automated controlled experiments designed to verify hypotheses about how the system should behave under gray failure conditions, and to probe for and flush out any weaknesses. The ‘controlled’ part is important here because given the scale and complexity of the environment under test, the only meaningful place to do this is in production with real users.
Maybe that sounds scary, but one of the interesting perspectives this paper brings is to make you realise that it’s really not so different from any other change you might be rolling out into production (e.g. a bug fix, configuration change, new feature, or A/B test). In all cases we need to be able to carefully monitor the impact on the system, and back out if things start going badly wrong. Moreover, just like an A/B test, we’ll be collecting metrics while the experiment is underway and performing statistical analysis at the end to interpret the results.
Netflix’s system is deployed on Continue reading
One SQL to rule them all: an efficient and syntactically idiomatic approach to management of streams and tables Begoli et al., SIGMOD’19
In data processing it seems, all roads eventually lead back to SQL! Today’s paper choice is authored by a collection of experts from the Apache Beam, Apache Calcite, and Apache Flink projects, outlining their experiences building SQL interfaces for streaming. The net result is a set of proposed extensions to the SQL standard itself, being worked on under the auspices of the international SQL standardization body.
The thesis of this paper, supported by experience developing large open-source frameworks supporting real-world streaming use cases, is that the SQL language and relational model as-is and with minor non-intrusive extensions, can be very effective for manipulation of streaming data.
Many of the ideas presented here are already implemented by Apache Beam, Calcite, and Flink in some form, as one option amongst several. The streaming SQL interface has been adopted by Alibaba, Hauwei, Lyft, Uber and others, with the following feedback presented to the authors as to why they made this choice:
The convoy phenomenon Blasgen et al., IBM Research Report 1977 (revised 1979)
Today we’re jumping from HotOS topics of 2019, to hot topics of 1977! With thanks to Pat Helland for the recommendation, and with Jim Gray as one of the authors, we have a combination that’s very hard to ignore :).
Here’s the set-up as relayed to me by Pat (with permission):
At work, I am part of a good sized team working on a large system implementation. One of the very senior engineers with 25+ years experience mentioned a problem with the system. It seems that under test load, it would behave beautifully until the performance just fell to the floor. The system just crawled forever and never seemed to get out of this state. Work was getting done but at a pathetic rate. I said: “You have a convoy.” His response was; “Huh?”. I forwarded him the paper on “The Convoy Phenomenon”…
I have to confess I hadn’t heard of the convoy phenomenon either! Before we go on, take a moment to think of possible causes for the system behaviour described above. Lots of things can cause a performance cliff, but the interesting thing Continue reading
Machine learning systems are stuck in a rut Barham & Isard, HotOS’19
In this paper we argue that systems for numerical computing are stuck in a local basin of performance and programmability. Systems researchers are doing an excellent job improving the performance of 5-year old benchmarks, but gradually making it harder to explore innovative machine learning research ideas.
The thrust of the argument is that there’s a chain of inter-linked assumptions / dependencies from the hardware all the way to the programming model, and any time you step outside of the mainstream it’s sufficiently hard to get acceptable performance that researchers are discouraged from doing so.
Take a simple example: it would be really nice if we could have named dimensions instead of always having to work with indices.
Named dimensions improve readability by making it easier to determine how dimensions in the code correspond to the semantic dimensions described in, .e.g., a research paper. We believe their impact could be even greater in improving code modularity, as named dimensions would enable a language to move away from fixing an order on the dimensions of a given tensor, which in turn would make function lifting more convenient…
For Continue reading
Designing far memory data structures: think outside the box Aguilera et al., HotOS’19
Last time out we looked at some of the trade-offs between RInKs and LInKs, and the advantages of local in-memory data structures. There’s another emerging option that we didn’t talk about there: the use of far-memory, memory attached to the network that can be remotely accessed without mediation by a local processor. For many data center applications this looks to me like it could be a compelling future choice.
Far memory brings many potential benefits over near memory: higher memory capacity through disaggregation, separate scaling between processing and far memory, better availability due to separate fault domains for far memory, and better shareability among processors.
It’s not all straightforward though. As we’ve seen a number of times before, there’s a trade-off between fast one-sided access that doesn’t involve the remote CPU, and a more traditional RPC style that does. In particular, if you end up needing to make multiple one-sided requests to get to the data you really need, it’s often faster to just go the RPC route.
Therefore, if we want to make full use of one-sided far memory, we need to think Continue reading
Fast key-value stores: an idea whose time has come and gone Adya et al., HotOS’19
No controversy here! Adya et al. would like you to stop using Memcached and Redis, and start building 11-factor apps. Factor VI in the 12-factor app manifesto, “Execute the app as one or more stateless processes,” to be dropped and replaced with “Execute the app as one or more stateful processes.”
It all makes for a highly engaging position paper (even if that engagement doesn’t necessarily take the form of agreement on all points)! It’s healthy to challenge the status-quo from time to time…
Remote, in-memory key-value (RInK) stores such as Memcached and Redis are widely used in industry and are an active area of academic research. Coupled with stateless application servers to execute business logic and a database-like system to provide persistent storage, they form a core component of popular data center service archictectures. We argue that the time of the RInK store has come and and gone…
Why are developers using RInK systems as part of their design? Generally to cache data (including non-persistent data that never sees a backing store), to share Continue reading
What bugs cause production cloud incidents? Liu et al., HotOS’19
Last time out we looked at SLOs for cloud platforms, today we’re looking at what causes them to be broken! This is a study of every high severity production incident at Microsoft Azure services over a span of six months, where the root cause of that incident was a software bug. In total, there were 112 such incidents over the period March – September 2018 (not all of them affecting external customers). Software bugs are the most common cause of incidents during this period, accounting for around 40% of all incidents (so we can infer there were around 280 incidents total in the pool).
The 112 incidents caused by software bugs are further broken down into categories, with data-format bugs, fault-related bugs, timing bugs, and constant_value bugs being the largest categories. Interestingly, outages caused by configuration errors represented only a small number of incidents in this study. This could be an artefact of that data set in some way, or it might be due to the tool chain that Microsoft uses:
The types of bugs we observed in production are biased by the fact that Microsoft uses effective Continue reading
Nines are not enough: meaningful metrics for clouds Mogul & Wilkes, HotOS’19
It’s hard to define good SLOs, especially when outcomes aren’t fully under the control of any single party. The authors of today’s paper should know a thing or two about that: Jeffrey Mogul and John Wilkes at Google1! John Wilkes was also one of the co-authors of chapter 4 “Service Level Objectives” in the SRE book, which is good background reading for the discussion in this paper.
The opening paragraph of the abstract does a great job of framing the problem:
Cloud customers want strong, understandable promises (Service Level Objectives, or SLOs) that their applications will run reliably and with adequate performance, but cloud providers don’t want to offer them, because they are technically hard to meet in the face of arbitrary customer behavior and the hidden interactions brought about by statistical multiplexing of shared resources.
When it comes to SLOs, the interests of the customer and the cloud provider are at odds, and so we end up with SLAs (Service Level Agreements) that tie SLOs to contractual agreements.
Let’s start out by getting some terms straight: SLIs, SLOs, SLAs, and Continue reading