Author Archives: Ana Villani
Author Archives: Ana Villani
This week, our readers have enjoyed Docker thought leadership on various topics. As we begin a new week, let’s recap our top 5 most-read blog posts for the week of July 17, 2016. Continue reading
Major thank you to our Diamond sponsor Microsoft and Platinum sponsors Cisco and IBM! Your continued support of DockerCon helps us organize an awesome conference for the Docker community.
We are excited to share with you the recordings from their sessions in the Ecosystem track. Microsoft’s session with Steve Lasker covered the container workflow. IBM’s Jason McGee and Chris Rosen talk about how to create production ready containers with IBM and Docker and Balaji Sivasubramanian discuss how Cisco covers the solution addressing the needs of enabling product-grade containerized applications.
Watch @Microsoft’s @SteveLasker discuss #container + orchestration + workflow dev at #DockerCon 2016
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#DockerCon: @balajisiva explains how @Cisco uses @Docker for #containerized apps in production
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#DockerCon: @jrmcgee & @ChrisRosen188 on running #containers in production with @Docker and @IBM
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The Use Case track at DockerCon 2016 covered practical applications of Docker. Speakers shared their experiences implementing Docker with technical details and advice on implementation.
Watch all of the awesome talks (and check out the slides) from the Use Case Track at DockerCon 2016 below!
Culture, community, tech trends, business and innovation were some of the topics for the Wild Card track at DockerCon 2016. Talks in the Wild Card track are all about informing and inspiring attendees with what they can do with containers and other related technologies.
Watch the videos and check out the slides from the Wild Card track at DockerCon 2016 below!
We are excited to share the videos and slides from the Docker, Docker, Docker track at DockerCon 2016!
Note that the following sessions videos from the Docker, Docker, Docker track have already been published in previous blog post:
Check out the videos (and slides) from the remaining sessions below!
DockerCon 2016 was packed lots with great conference sessions! Attendees enjoyed the variety of topics in the agenda including advanced technical deep dives in the Black Belt track and practical applications of Docker in the Use Case track.
Through the mobile app (powered by Docker of course!), DockerCon 2016 attendees voted on their favorite sessions at the conference. Here are 5 of the top 10 highest rated sessions at DockerCon 2016: Continue reading