Author Archives: Andria Jones
Author Archives: Andria Jones
Cloudflare is on a mission to help build a better Internet, and we are committed to doing this with ethics and integrity in everything that we do. This commitment extends beyond our own actions, to third parties acting on our behalf. Cloudflare has the same expectations of ethics and integrity of our suppliers, resellers, and other partners as we do of ourselves.
We first shared publicly our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics during Cloudflare’s initial public offering in September 2019. All Cloudflare employees take legal training as part of their onboarding process, as well as an annual refresher course, which includes the topics covered in our Code, and they sign an acknowledgement of our Code and related policies as well.
While our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics applies to all directors, officers and employees of Cloudflare, it has not extended to third parties. Today, we are excited to share our Third Party Code of Conduct, specifically formulated with our suppliers, resellers, and other partners in mind. It covers such topics as: