Author Archives: Anton Karneliuk
Author Archives: Anton Karneliuk
Hello my friend,
Just recently we have started discussion about the tools about the performance troubleshooting in networks. One of the questions we were asked afterwards was, how to programatically get your public IP? Well, that is interesting one.
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Yes, and that was a question we’ve started this blogpost with is about that. How can we rely the automation tools by troubleshooting? How can we get our IP to make any diagnostics? You will see some things right in this blogpost
Our network automation training has two faces: either live or self-paced. So you can choose yourself, what works better for you. On our side, we guide you from the foundation of the automation for the small networks till advanced automation use cases in big data centres, service providers, and clouds. You will lean how to structure the data using YANG modules, how to serialise it using JSON, XML, Protocol Continue reading
Hello my friend,
some time ago we’ve been recently engaged in the troubleshooting of the performance issues. Namely, the speed of the communication between the application’s endpoints in two data centres was not persistent. Instead, it was deviating a lot having multiple TCP retransmissions for certain flows. The issues was successfully solved, and we’d like to share with you the tools we have used to identify and validate various aspects of traffic forwarding.
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Absolutely. During our network automation training we show how to utilise various Linux tools from configuration management tools (e.g. Ansible) and programming languages (Bash, Python). That gives you ready examples from our training, which you can use in your network immediately, and endless possibilities to create your own automated troubleshooting workflows.
Our network automation training has two faces: either live or self-paced. So you can choose yourself, what works better for you. On our side, we Continue reading
Hello my friend,
Recently I’ve been engage in some troubleshooting with Cumulus and was looking for the way, how can I send the cl-support file from my switches directly to the vendor support bypassing downloading them to my laptop.
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We are here to help you. At our network automation training you learn all you need to know to be successful with such tasks in your profession:
Let’s take a closer look into the issue. The Cumulus Linux is based on the Continue reading
Hello my friend,
as you know, Ansible is one of the leading tools for the automation of the IT and network infrastructure. We have written a lot about it earlier (e.g. CLI configs, OpenConfig with NETCONF, or VNF-M). Recently Red Hat announced the new version of Ansible (Ansible 2.10), which changes a lot the way we used to work with that.
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We are here to help you. At our network automation training you learn all you need to know to be successful with such tasks in your profession:
Ansible 2.10 is more than a just another Ansible’s update. It is a new approach, paradigm shift, Continue reading
Hello my friend,
In the previous article we have mentioned that we have started building our own Python package, which will allow you to easily interact with the network functions over gNMI. Today we want to share with you some progress and explain, how you can start benefiting from it right now.
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Amount of network-related tasks in each company is growing years, if company is doing well. The number of employees is not. That creates a need for business relying on technologies to “do more with less”. The automation is a key enabler for this approach. And we are keen to help your business (or yourself) to find a right approach to network automation and successfully implement it. In our trainings:
Hello my friend,
It took a while since our latest post from the Code Express (CEX) series. During this time we were working heavy to launch an advanced version of our industry-leading network automation training. However, this time we were working on something special…
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Each and every element in the network can be automated. It is always the question, if it shall be. Both of these questions are subject to our training:
At our network automation training (either live or self-paced) you will guide you from the foundation of the automation for the small networks till advanced automation use cases in big data centres, and clouds. You will lean how to structure the data using YANG Continue reading
Hello my friend,
Recently we have learned how to use the external modules to make your Python’s code more powerful. At some point, perhaps already now, you started creating user-defined functions so good that you would like to re-use them in other projects.
Network automation is one of the most important things named by CIOs in Gather’s research. As such, the companies are (and will be) looking for the experts, who are able to develop new solutions and find creative ways to improve networks’ efficiency via automation. And we are keen to help you with that?
At our network automation training, either self-paced or instructor lead, you will learn the leading technologies, protocols, and tools used to manage the networks in the busiest networks worldwide, such as Google data centres. However, once you master all the skills, you will be able to automate the network of any scale. You will see the opportunities and you will exploit them.
Secret words: NETCONF, REST API, gRPC, JSON , XML, Protocol buffers, SSH, OpenConfig, Python, Ansible, Linux, Docker; and many other wonderful tools and techniques are waiting for you in our training!
Don’t miss opportunity to start your network Continue reading
Hello my friend,
we continue the series of the blogpost dedicated to the overview of the Nokia SR Linux. Today we will speak about the interoperability and its joint operation with Microsoft Azure SONiC, another disaggregated OS, which is used in the hyper scale data centres.
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The data centres and applications they host might be very static, if that is classical enterprise workloads. However, in the world of the clouds the frequency of the changes performed in the data centre network and servers can be very high. Effectively, it can be so high that doing them manually is impractical.
At our network automation training (either live or self-paced) you will learn the foundation of the automation for the small and big data centres, and clouds. You will lean how to structure the data using YANG modules, how to serialise it using JSON, XML, Protobuf depending on the application requirements Continue reading
Hello my friend,
In the previous blogpost we have shared how some thoughts how you can parse the CSV file and how in general to work with external files. But the beauty of the programming languages including Python, is that there are always more than one way of doing things. And with learning it more, you are opening new ways.
Raise of the 5G in the Service Provider world, micro services in Data Centres and mobility in Enterprise networks significantly changes the expectations about the way the network operate and the pace the changes are implemented. It is impossible to meet those expectation without automation.
At our network automation training, either self-paced or instructor lead, you will learn the leading technologies, protocols, and tools used to manage the networks in the busiest networks worldwide, such as Google data centres. However, once you master all the skills, you will be able to automate the network of any scale. You will see the opportunities and you will exploit them.
Secret words: NETCONF, REST API, gRPC, JSON , XML, Protocol buffers, SSH, OpenConfig, Python, Ansible, Linux, Docker; and many other wonderful tools and techniques are waiting for you Continue reading
Hello my friend,
In this HS blog series we have covered so far the automated build of the network topology for hyper scale data centre using Microsoft Azure SONiC. Today Nokia has announced a new product for data centre, which is called SRLinux. In the next couple of articles we’ll review it from the architectural and automation standpoint.
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We want to thank Nokia team for providing us the details and assisting in creating these materials. It won’t be possible without your help, dear partners.
Following your asks we open a new format for the network automation training – self-paced format:
Because you decide on your own when, how often and Continue reading
Hello my friend,
With this post we start the second series of the Code EXpress (CEX) blogposts covering Python (namely, Python 3.8) basics for the network engineers. Previously we have covered the most simple elements and heading now to more complex scenarios.
Knowing how to improve the efficiency of your network or IT operation via applying some of the automation techniques with Ansible or Python is getting more and more important.
Boost up your skills with the industry best network automation training covering the details of the NETCONF/YANG, REST API with Bash, Ansible and Python for managing network devices from Cisco, Nokia, Arista and Cumulus. Besides you get the Linux management skills, as well as network virtualisation (KVM) and containerisation (Docker).
In today’s blogpost we are going to cover the basics of the working with file in Python. Despite there are multiple ways how you can do, we will share, we believe, one of the most popular and convenient way:
Hello my friend,
Traditionally in the beginning of June (5th of June to be accurate), we celebrate the anniversary of our blogging. And in this year it is already 4 years, since we started in 2016!
In terms of the absolute numbers, we have crossed the mark in 100 posted blogs! Hurray! And we were marked as Cisco Champion 2020 one more time! Also Hurray!
Let’s reflect what has happened global as well…
The biggest new introduction is the live online network automation training. Years of real practical experience of implementing and automating network solutions for service provider and data centres across Europe and North America are now available for you. Just join our network automation training in this run or in any next and learn:
There were multiple mini-series of the blogposts supported by the code at the GitHub:
Hello my friend,
We have received a lot of positive feedbacks in the social media regarding our previous post about collecting info from Nokia SR OS and Arista EOS using gRPC/gNMI. Thank you! Today we will cover the configuration part; hence, you will learn how to configure Arista EOS and Nokia SR OS using the gRPC transport with gNMI specification and OpenConfig YANG modules.
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Just in two weeks we start the new network automation training! This time we have ever biggest agenda with all the cutting edge technologies (NETCONF, REST API, gNMI), data models (YANG, Protobuf, JSON, XML, YAML), vendors (Cisco, Nokia, Arista, Cumulus) and a lot of programming (Ansible, Python, Bash) salted with Linux administration, virtualisation, containerisation and many more
In one place you will learn all the technologies and tolls you need to start or improve your career in the world of the Continue reading
Hello my friend,
finally after some time we are writing again about the OpenConfig, Nokia SR OS and Arista EOS. This time we do that in the context of gNMI (gRPC network management interface). So, today you will learn how to collect the configuration and operational data from the network functions using gNMI. As usual, there will be a lot of Python, and a lot of fun.
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Network automation is a must-have technology set in all the industries these days. A lot of companies are talking about it, some of them are practising NetDevOps and automation approached. And latter one create a huge positive difference in their business.
At this training we teach you all the necessary concepts such as YANG data modelling, working with all the most relevant data formats JSON/YAML/XML/Protobuf, Linux administration basics, programming in Bash/Ansible/Python for multiple network operation systems including Cisco Continue reading
Hello my friend,
In the previous blogpost we started the discussion about the gNMI/Protobof approach to network automation by creating the Protobuf message. Today we continue it showing read the Protobuf messages.
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Network automation is a must-have technology set in all the industries these days. It is no more the matter of innovation, it is a matter of normal business operation. And we are happy to help you and your company with automation by providing the necessary holistic knowledge, skills and tools to make your automation journey successful:
At this training we teach you all the necessary concepts such as YANG data modelling, working with JSON/YAML/XML/Protobuf data formats, Linux administration basics, programming in Bash/Ansible/Python for multiple network operation systems including Cisco IOS XR, Nokia SR OS, Arista EOS and Cumulus Linux. All the most useful things such as NETCONF/RESTCONF, REST API, gNMI, OpenConfig and many others. Don’t miss Continue reading
Hello my friend,
Some time ago we have covered in-depth OpenConfig with NETCONF configuration as well as the OpenConfig telemetry with NETCONF. Today we want to make a next step and start discussion about another approach to manage the network elements in a programmatic way, which is gNMI.
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Following your asks we open a new format for the network automation training – self-paced format:
You decide on your own when, how often and how quickly you can learn.
However, if you want to join groups, that is something we are happy to offer you as well.
At this training we teach you all the necessary concepts such as YANG data modelling, working with JSON/YAML/XML Continue reading
Hello my friend,
Finally we approached the point where we start dealing with the network functions again, now at a high scale. After we have successfully generated the configuration files for our Microsoft Azure SONiC network functions, it is a time to boot them, span them and get the emulated data centre up and running.
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Following your asks we open a new format for the network automation training – self-paced format:
Because you decide on your own when, how often and how quickly you can learn.
At this training we teach you all the necessary concepts such as YANG data modelling, working with JSON/YAML/XML data formats, Linux administration basics, programming in Continue reading
Hello my friend,
The visualisation of the network graph is an important part of the network development and management, but we need to move on. Today we will focus on the configuration for Microsoft SONiC running as Docker containers.
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To be able to understand and, more important, to create such a solutions, you need to have a holistic knowledge about the network automation. Come to our network automation training to get this knowledge and skills.
At this training we teach you all the necessary concepts such as YANG data modelling, working with JSON/YAML/XML data formats, Linux administration basics, programming in Bash/Ansible/Python for multiple network operation systems including Cisco IOS XR, Nokia SR OS, Arista EOS and Cumulus Linux. All the most useful things such as NETCONF, REST API, OpenConfig and many others are there. Don’t miss the opportunity to improve your career.
As we pointed out Continue reading
Hello my friend,
There was quite a considerable amount of the feedbacks on the previous post about the data centre network visualisation with graphs. Originally we planned to cover the topology generation today. However, we changed the plan to improve the math model of our graph to make it more flexible and useful from modelling perspective.
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To be able to understand and, more important, to create such a solutions, you need to have a holistic knowledge about the network automation. Come to our network automation training to get this knowledge and skills.
At this training we teach you all the necessary concepts such as YANG data modelling, working with JSON/YAML/XML data formats, Linux administration basics, programming in Bash/Ansible/Python for multiple network operation systems including Cisco IOS XR, Nokia SR OS, Arista EOS and Cumulus Linux. All the most useful things such as NETCONF, REST API, OpenConfig and many Continue reading
Hello my friend,
Surprisingly for myself in the previous post about networking I’ve started completely new topic. It was about the Microsoft Azure SONIC running inside the Docker container and network between those containers. Why is that new? Why does it matter? What is in it for you?
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To be able to understand and, more important, to create such a solutions, you need to have a holistic knowledge about the network automation. Come to our network automation training to get this knowledge and skills.
At this training we teach you all the necessary concepts such as YANG data modelling, working with JSON/YAML/XML data formats, Linux administration basics, programming in Bash/Ansible/Python for multiple network operation systems including Cisco IOS XR, Nokia SR OS, Arista EOS and Cumulus Linux. All the most useful things such as NETCONF, REST API, OpenConfig and many others are there. Don’t miss the opportunity to improve Continue reading