Author Archives: Avery Harnish
Author Archives: Avery Harnish
When I arrived at Cloudflare for an internship in the summer of 2018, I was taken on a tour, introduced to my mentor who took me out for coffee (shoutout to Preston), and given a quick whiteboard overview of how Cloudflare works. Each of the interns would work on a small project of their own and they’d try to finish them by the end of the summer. The description of the project I was given on my very first day read something along the lines of “implementing signed exchanges in a Cloudflare Worker to fix the AMP URL attribution problem,” which was a lot to take in at once. I asked so many questions those first couple of weeks. What are signed exchanges? Can I put these stickers on my laptop? What’s a Cloudflare Worker? Is there a limit to how much Topo Chico I can take from the fridge? What’s the AMP URL attribution problem? Where’s the bathroom?
I got the answers to all of those questions (and more!) and eventually landed a full-time job at Cloudflare. Here’s the story of my internship and working on the Workers Developer Experience team at Cloudflare.