Author Archives: Ayman AboRabh
Author Archives: Ayman AboRabh
In the previous post, we laid the foundation of L3 fabric DC In this post we will discuss the underlay network which mainly provide IP reachability plus ECMP capability, here BGP would play a role in your DC next to the 3 other that we discussed one of the previous posts. For the sake of simplicity …
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In the previous posts we have discussed the classic DC designs and the M-LAG solution. In this post we will cover the basic L3 fabric DC, you might never heard of it or you think that’s a solution for massive scale DC, yes the massive DC in the world would be running L3 fabric but nowadays more and more customers are moving …
The post L3 fabric DC -The underlay Network -Part1 appeared first on Networkers-online.com.
In the pervious post we talked about BGP in Data Center and how it is a topic of discussion in between the DC and the SP arenas. In this post I will start explaining some classic DC design and laying its shortage which will engage the SP gurus with us, as well it will make sure …
The post Classic DC and M-LAG appeared first on Networkers-online.com.
If you think that BGP is a Server Provider (SP) only protocol and is not your business in the data center, then better think again because BGP is coming to your territory. Traditionally for Enterprises and DCs; BGP commonly took part at the Internet edge in multi-homing scenarios (the internet from multiple ISPs) where BGP provided …
The post BGP in the Data Center appeared first on Networkers-online.com.