Ben Firshman

Author Archives: Ben Firshman

Building serverless apps with Docker

Every now and then, there are waves of technology that threaten to make the previous generation of technology obsolete.  There has been a lot of talk about a technique called “serverless” for writing apps. The idea is to deploy your application as a series of functions, which are called on-demand when they need to be run. You don’t need to worry about managing servers, and these functions scale as much as you need, because they are called on-demand and run on a cluster.

But serverless doesn’t mean there is no Docker – in fact, Docker is serverless. You can use Docker to containerize these functions, then run them on-demand on a Swarm. Serverless is a technique for building distributed apps and Docker is the perfect platform for building them on.

From servers to serverless

So how might we write applications like this? Let’s take our example a voting application consisting of 5 services:


This consists of:

  • Two web frontends
  • A worker for processing votes in the background
  • A message queue for processing votes
  • A database

The background processing of votes is a very easy target for conversion to a serverless architecture. In the voting app, we can run a Continue reading

Orchestrating Docker containers in production using Fig

In the last blog post about Fig we showed how you could define and run a multi-container app locally.

We’re now going to show you how you can deploy this app to production. Here’s a screencast of the whole process:

Let’s continue from where we left off in the last blog post. First, we want to put the code we wrote up onto GitHub. You’ll need to initialize and commit your code into a new Git repository.

$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"

Then create a new repository on GitHub and follow the instructions for how to set up a remote on your local GitHub repository. For example, if your repository were called bfirsh/figdemo, you’d run these commands:

$ git remote add origin [email protected]:bfirsh/figdemo.git
$ git push -u origin master

Next, you’ll need to get yourself a server to host your app. Any cloud provider will work, so long as it is running Ubuntu and available on a public IP address.

Log on to your server using SSH and follow the instructions for installing Docker and Fig on Ubuntu.

$ ssh root@[your server’s IP address]
# curl -sSL |  Continue reading