Author Archives: Brian McGahan, CCIE #8593, CCDE #2013::13
Author Archives: Brian McGahan, CCIE #8593, CCDE #2013::13
Troubleshooting Lab 1 has been added to the CCIE Routing & Switching v5 Workbook. This is in addition to Full Scale Lab 1 which was posted yesterday. More Foundation, Troubleshooting, and Full Scale Labs will be added soon to the workbook. More information about additional content and its release schedule will be available shortly.
This lab uses a 20 router topology which will be available through our rack rental system shortly. In the meantime if you have your own lab built on CSR1000v, IOU/IOL, etc. the initial configs are available to download on the lab 1 tasks page. For technical discussion of this lab, please visit the Troubleshooting Labs section of our Online Community here.
Full Scale Lab 1 has been added to the CCIE Routing & Switching v5 Workbook. More Foundation, Troubleshooting, and Full Scale Labs will be coming soon, including additional updates before the end of the weekend. I will post more information about additional content and its release schedule shortly.
This lab uses a 20 router topology which will be available through our rack rental system shortly. In the meantime if you have your own lab built on CSR1000v, IOU/IOL, etc. the initial configs are available to download on the lab 1 tasks page. For technical discussion of this lab, please visit the Full Scale Labs section of our Online Community here.
The CCIE Routing & Switching Advanced Technologies Class v5 resumes Wednesday, July 23rd at 8:00 AM PDT (15:00 UTC) at live.ine.com, where we will be discussing MPLS Layer 3 VPN. In the meantime, you will find the streaming and download playlists have been updated and now includes over 63 hours of content.
We have some other great news as well. The CCIE R&S v5 Rack Control panel has been released with the built-in telnet, loading and saving configs and one click device configurations and reset requests. Also, new content will be posted this week to the workbook, including all new troubleshooting labs.
Tomorrow’s CCIE Routing & Switching Advanced Technologies Class v5 is postponed, as baby 3.0’s shipping date has arrived Class will tentatively return the week of July 21st, however I will post more information and updates about workbook changes before that.
In the meantime the current CCIE RSv5 ATC streaming playlist can be found here, and the download playlist can be found here. Some videos are still in post processing and will be posted within the next few days.
Although we’re only in week 47 of the class (or so it seems), we’ve put a huge dent in the overall topic scope so far. You can see our current progress in the overall CCIE RSv5 Expanded Blueprint here. Some of topics that haven’t been covered in the v5 ATC officially yet can be found in the CCIE RSv4 ATC and the RSv4 to RSv5 Transition Technologies addendum at the end of that playlist.