Chris Ward

Author Archives: Chris Ward

Extending local traffic management load balancing to Layer 4 with Spectrum

In 2023, Cloudflare introduced a new load balancing solution, supporting Local Traffic Management (LTM). This gives organizations a way to balance HTTP(S) traffic between private or internal servers within a region-specific data center. Today, we are thrilled to be able to extend those same LTM capabilities to non-HTTP(S) traffic. This new feature is enabled by the integration of Cloudflare Spectrum, Cloudflare Tunnels, and Cloudflare load balancers and is available to enterprise customers. Our customers can now use Cloudflare load balancers for all TCP and UDP traffic destined for private IP addresses, eliminating the need for expensive on-premise load balancers.

A quick primer

In this blog post, we will be referring to load balancers at either layer 4 or layer 7. This is, of course, referring to layers of the OSI model but more specifically, the ingress path that is being used to reach the load balancer. Layer 7, also known as the Application Layer, is where the HTTP(S) protocol exists. Cloudflare is well known for our layer 7 capabilities, which are built around speeding up and protecting websites which run over HTTP(S). When we refer to layer 7 load balancers, we are referring to HTTP(S)-based services. Our layer Continue reading