Christian Elsen

Author Archives: Christian Elsen

CloudFlare’s Impact On The HTTP/2 “Universe”

CloudFlare released HTTP/2 support for all customers on December 3rd, 2015. Now, two months later, it's time to take a look at the impact of this release on the HTTP/2 "universe" and also at what has changed from a HTTP/2 vs. SPDY vs. HTTP 1.1 traffic ratio perspective.

HTTP/2 Usage

Previously, we showcased browser market share data from our own website. Using these numbers, we predicted the ratio of HTTP/2 traffic that we expected to see once enabled. Now, we can compare this original data set with updated data from the last 48 hours.

Below is the market share of HTTP/2 capable browsers that we saw on our website during a 48 hour period. The first one was before our HTTP/2 launch, the other one was last week. Both data sets were pulled from Google Analytics, and user agents were analyzed for HTTP/2 support.

HTTP/2 capable browser Global Market Share Late Nov 2015 Global Market Share Late Jan 2016
IE 11 on Windows 10 0.14% 0.34%
Edge 12, and 13 0.35% 0.48%
Firefox 36 - 45 5.09% 11.05%
Chrome 41 - 49 15.06% 38.86%
Safari 9 0.91% 2.69%
Opera Continue reading

HTTP/2 is here! Goodbye SPDY? Not quite yet

Why choose, if you can have both? Today CloudFlare is introducing HTTP/2 support for all customers using SSL/TLS connections, while still supporting SPDY. There is no need to make a decision between SPDY or HTTP/2. Both are automatically there for you and your customers.

Enabling HTTP/2

If you are a customer on the Free or Pro plan, there is no need to do anything at all. Both SPDY and HTTP/2 are already enabled for you. With this improvement, your website’s audience will always use the fastest protocol version when accessing your site over TLS/SSL.

Customers on Business and Enterprise plans may enable HTTP/2 within the "Network" application of the CloudFlare Dashboard.

Enabling HTTP/2 in the CloudFlare dashboard

HTTP/2 is here!

In February of 2015, the IETF’s steering group for publication as standards-track RFCs approved the HTTP/2 and associated HPACK specifications.

After more than 15 years, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) received a long-overdue upgrade. HTTP/2 is largely based on Google's experimental SPDY protocol, which was first announced in November 2009 as an internal project to increase the speed of the web.

Benefits of HTTP/2 and SPDY

The main focus of both SPDY and HTTP/2 is on performance, especially latency as perceived by the end-user while using Continue reading