Christian O'Flaherty

Author Archives: Christian O'Flaherty

The Presence of Community Networks in Latin America and the Caribbean

The community of Latin America and the Caribbean has maintained an incessant activity in community networks topics, particularly during September. This work has been reflected in various spaces, highlighting the Latin American Summit of Community Networks that took place in Argentina.

A Work with History

Interest in community networks in the Latin American and Caribbean region is not recent. At least since 2015, the operators of these networks have worked together, exchanging experiences and best practices. Part of the result of this collaboration is found in the documents of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3). It is worth mentioning that the creation of the Internet Society’s Special Interest Group on Community Networks (SIG CN) was announced during the closing ceremony of the IGF 2017 meeting.

The effort has been reflected in various spaces. This year, several operators of these networks were invited to participate in the Fifth Annual Latin America Spectrum Management Conference, held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from September 5 to 7. On the last day of the Conference, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) conducted a capacity building workshop on spectrum and community networks.

The Latin American Summit

In addition to their participation in Continue reading

Internet Society, LACNIC, and LAC-IX Partner to Strengthen IXPs in Latin America

Wednesday, 2 May 2018, the Internet Society signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Association of Internet Exchange Points (LAC-IX) and the Latin American Registry for Internet Numbers (LACNIC) to create and strengthen Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) for a stable, secure, and open Internet and to maximise the impact of our activities across Latin America and the Caribbean.

Internet Society’s work on interconnection, traffic exchange, and IXPs not only improves local Internet service in developed regions, but also engages with the local communities that are instrumental in advancing the Internet Society’s mission. The IXP program helps develop Internet technical communities and network operators across the globe.

The Internet Society cooperates with regional organisations that lead IXP work in the field, supporting their work, promoting new IXPs where needed, and helping spread Internet Society work that is valuable to their communities.

LAC-IX and LACNIC have a unique role in promoting new IXPs, supporting existing communities, and, through them, providing the messages that contribute to a stable and scalable Internet.

This Memorandum of Understanding establishes a reference framework for cooperation mechanisms between the Parties. Plans include supporting capacity-building events, disseminating common initiatives and projects, and promoting good routing practices at traffic exchange Continue reading

Construcción de Infraestructura Comunitaria

Cuando Internet no llega a lugares remotos, un modelo que funciona muy bien es aquel en el que la comunidad construye la red para llegar a Internet (no esperar que un proveedor llegue a su comunidad sino construir la red para llegar hasta el proveedor más cercano). Eso implica varios desafíos y requiere cambios tecnológicos, legislativos, nuevos estándares y comunidades que sean capaces de construir y operar la infraestructura comunitaria.

Las redes comunitarias tienen características únicas que requieren una evolución y mudanzas disruptivas tanto en las tecnologías como en la gestión de los recursos (aprovechamiento de la infraestructura pública, gestión del espectro, recursos de Internet, etc.).

Las experiencias prueban que existen muchos modelos que hacen sustentables y efectivas estas redes comunitarias. Ahora debemos comenzar a formalizar y generalizar esos modelos para conseguir la escala e impacto necesarios. Debemos promover cambios en reglamentos y en tecnologías, en gobiernos y en empresas, en fabricantes de equipos y en software open-source. Será necesario organizar y capacitar a las comunidades, involucrar a las ONG para que tengan la capacidad y recursos para ayudarlas, convencer a las empresas que esto no afecta sus negocios y ser sensibles a las necesidades y diferencias de las Continue reading