Author Archives: Dane Knecht
Author Archives: Dane Knecht
Cloudflare’s mission is to help build a better Internet. That means a faster, more secure, open Internet world-wide. We have millions of customers using our services like free SSL, an advanced WAF, the latest compression and the most up to date security to ensure that their web sites, mobile apps and APIs are secure and fast.
One vital area of web technology has lagged behind in terms of speed and security: online ads. And consumers have been turning to ad blocking technology to secure and speed up their own web browsing.
Today, Cloudflare is introducing a new product to make web ads secure, fast and safe. That product is Firebolt.
With Firebolt, ad networks can instantly speed up and secure their ads, resulting in happy consumers and better conversion rates.
Firebolt delivers:
Lightning fast ad delivery
Cloudflare's global network of 102 data centers in 50 countries, combined with routing and performance technologies, makes the delivery of online ads to any device up to five times faster.
Free, simple SSL
Adding SSL to ad serving has been challenging for some ad networks. Cloudflare has years of experience providing free, one click SSL for our customers. Firebolt ads are Continue reading