Author Archives: Daniel Robinson
Author Archives: Daniel Robinson
The Department of Defense in the United States has established a generative AI task force to help oversee the process of adopting AI tools across the department while avoiding some of the pitfalls of such deoployments. …
The post US Defense Department Assembles Generative AI Task Force first appeared on The Next Platform.
US Defense Department Assembles Generative AI Task Force was written by Daniel Robinson at The Next Platform.
Not all cloud providers are the same, and even among the three cloud giants – Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud – there is some measure of differentiation. …
Vultr Slices Up GPUs On The Cloud To Democratize Acceleration was written by Daniel Robinson at The Next Platform.
High performance systems have a long history of using water cooling, but advancements in semiconductor technology in the 1980s allowed for big iron to have a few decades of using air cooling. …
Cisco Surfs The Liquid Cooling Wave In The Datacenter was written by Daniel Robinson at The Next Platform.
Virtualization has been an engine of efficiency in the IT industry over the past two decades, decoupling workloads from the underlying hardware and thus allowing multiple workloads to be consolidated into a single physical system as well as moved around relatively easily with live migration of virtual machines. …
Will Open Compute Backing Drive SIOV Adoption? was written by Daniel Robinson at The Next Platform.
The Slurm Workload Manager that has its origins at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory as the Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management – and which is used on about two-thirds of the most powerful HPC systems in the world – is looking for new jobs to take on across hybrid cloud infrastructure and machine learning systems running at scale. …
Slurm HPC Job Scheduler Applies For Work In AI And Hybrid Cloud was written by Daniel Robinson at The Next Platform.
Voltron Data officially launched last month with a mission to make Apache Arrow easier to use for big data analytics projects, and in particular to focus on improving interoperability with other systems. …
Breaking Data Silos Open With An Apache Arrow Platform was written by Daniel Robinson at The Next Platform.
Object storage has been drawing an increasing level of interest from organizations over the past several years as a convenient way to store and manage the growing quantities of data they are accumulating, especially when that may be a mix of structured and unstructured data and a lot of machine-generated telemetry. …
Australia’s NCI Adds Ceph Object Storage To Lustre File Systems was written by Daniel Robinson at The Next Platform.
While there is a lot of hype, there is no question that quantum computers are going to revolutionize computing. …
Building The Bridge To The Quantum Future With Hybrid Systems was written by Daniel Robinson at The Next Platform.
Intel is looking to position itself as a leader in AI and HPC through a holistic approach that plays to the company’s strengths across a broad swath of the IT ecosystem. …
Intel Targets DAOS Object Storage At More Than HPC was written by Daniel Robinson at The Next Platform.
Arm-based servers have had a somewhat checkered history that has seen many abortive attempts to challenge the X86 processor hegemony, but the firm appears bullish about its chances in the high performance computing (HPC) sector, where it believes its licensing model and the energy efficiency of its architecture give it an edge. …
Arm CPUs To Take A Bite Out Of The HPC Market was written by Daniel Robinson at The Next Platform.
SambaNova Systems is a technology startup founded in 2017 by a group of far-sighted engineers and data scientists who saw that the current approaches to AI and machine learning were beginning to run out of steam, and that an entire new architecture would be necessary in order to make AI accessible for everyone as well as deliver the scale, performance, accuracy and ease of use needed for future applications. …
Changes Go Far Beyond Just AI, Machine Learning was written by Daniel Robinson at The Next Platform.
In our first article in this short series we explored SambaNova Systems’ thesis that future advances in AI require a new architecture to handle new and highly demanding workloads. …
A Simultaneous Boost for AI, Traditional HPC was written by Daniel Robinson at The Next Platform.
Businesses will need to adopt AI technologies not just because they can, but because they must – AI is the technology that will help businesses to be agile, innovate, and scale. …
Why Future Advances In AI Need A New Architecture was written by Daniel Robinson at The Next Platform.
Storage is perhaps one of the thorniest issues in computing, whether you are looking at an enterprise datacenter or an HPC environment. …
Bringing The Enterprise SAN Into The Cloud Era was written by Daniel Robinson at The Next Platform.
Java turned 25 years old in May, marking a quarter of a century in which it has consistently been one of the most widely used programming languages. …
Making Java Play Nice With Kubernetes was written by Daniel Robinson at The Next Platform.
Artificial intelligence is a broad area, covering diverse fields such as image recognition, natural language processing (NLP), and robotics. …
The Next Wave Of AI Is Even Bigger was written by Daniel Robinson at The Next Platform.
Enterprises are said to be awash in data, and one of the problems posed by all this data is not just storing it, but processing it. …
Computational Storage Winds Its Way Towards The Mainstream was written by Daniel Robinson at The Next Platform.
More and more of the networking that is done in the datacenter is performed on software-defined networking whiteboxes rather than on proprietary black box machinery that was controlled by one supplier. …
Getting Smart About Software-Defined Networks was written by Daniel Robinson at .
Going forward, there is little question that containers have become firmly established as the technology of choice for application deployment – at least until such a time as alternative approaches like serverless computing outgrow them in popularity. …
Microsoft Is Not The Only Way To Shrink Wrap SQL Server In Containers was written by Daniel Robinson at .
The cloud has been helping lower the cost and improve the quality of technology infrastructures and business practices for more than a decade, but implementation of cloud technologies can still pose challenges. …
Supermicro, Intel Tackle Next Wave of Cloud Demand was written by Daniel Robinson at .