Elie Mitrani

Author Archives: Elie Mitrani

Keeping the Cloudflare API ‘all green’ using Python-based testing

Keeping the Cloudflare API 'all green' using Python-based testing
Keeping the Cloudflare API 'all green' using Python-based testing

At Cloudflare, we reuse existing core systems to power multiple products and testing of these core systems is essential. In particular, we require being able to have a wide and thorough visibility of our live APIs’ behaviors. We want to be able to detect regressions, prevent incidents and maintain healthy APIs. That is why we built Scout.

Scout is an automated system periodically running Python tests verifying the end to end behavior of our APIs. Scout allows us to evaluate APIs in production-like environments and thus ensures we can green light a production deployment while also monitoring the behavior of APIs in production.

Why Scout?

Before Scout, we were using an automated test system leveraging the Robot Framework. This older system was limiting our testing capabilities. In fact, we could not easily match json responses against keys we were looking for. We would abandon covering different behaviors of our APIs as it was impossible to decide on which resources a given test suite would run. Two different test suites would create false negatives as they were running on the same account.

Regarding schema validation, only API responses were validated against a json schema and tests would not fail if the Continue reading