Author Archives: Ellie Jamison
Author Archives: Ellie Jamison
Fall is my favorite season for numerous reasons: the change in temperature, pumpkin spice flavored...everything, and of course, the start of the university recruitment cycle. I am excited to announce Cloudflare has begun hiring for our Summer 2022 internship program. We just opened many of our internship roles on our careers website and will begin reviewing applications on a rolling basis. We are looking for Software Engineer, Product Management, Research, Data Science interns and more. We also have a host of virtual events and tech talks to engage prospective students throughout October and November. Find our event lineup below and RSVP through the attached links by clicking on the event titles.
Date | Time | |
Inside Look: Hiring Software Engineering Interns and New Grads | October 15, 2021 | 10:00-10:45 PT |
Inside Look: Cloudflare’s Intern Hiring Process | October 19, 2021 | 11:15-12:00 PT |
Inside Look: Nativeflare | October 27, 2021 | 10:45-11:30 PT |
Inside Look: Cloudflare’s Intern Experiences | October 28, 2021 | 13:00-13:45 PT |
Inside Look: Cloudflare’s Culture | November 11, 2021 | 13:00-13:30 PT |
*We have many more events coming up later in the fall and early spring 2022, join our community here for news and updates from us!
In September, Cloudflare kicked off our fall Continue reading
On March 5, I sat in a small conference room with a few key contributors in creating and hiring for the Cloudflare summer intern program. With the possibility of office shutdowns looming, the group discussed what an internship would look like without in-person mentorship. How would the managers cope? How would the interns cope? Would it even be worthwhile? After a few minutes of discussions, we settled on ‘absolutely’. A remote summer internship at Cloudflare would be worthwhile for students, mentors, buddies, and managers alike. After all, Cloudflare is an Internet company and we were ready to trust the Internet with a whole lot more than we had anticipated.
The months leading up to the summer were a blur, all I remember is that we did a lot of planning, interviewing and hiring. And I mean, a lot. On April 2, Matthew Prince announced that Cloudflare would be doubling the size of our 2020 intern class in response to other companies cutting their intern programs all together. Due to these cuts, many talented students lost their opportunities for the summer. We knew we couldn’t hire them all so we Continue reading
Let’s be honest, interviewing for a new job can be a long, difficult process. Not only is it emotionally draining to handle multiple rejections, slow responses, and prolonged processes, it can be physically exhausting to sit through hours of stale interviews. A former colleague of mine compared interviewing to navigating a jungle; one misstep here, one wrong answer there, and you barely make it out alive. I once had an interviewer set out a 200-piece puzzle for me to complete in order to “evaluate my problem solving skills”. Basically, when it comes to interviews, you never know what you are going to get. As you may be able to tell, my feelings towards finding a new job this past fall were grim, until I interviewed with Cloudflare.
If you truly want to be impressed by Cloudflare, interview with them. Every employee knows the process is deliberate, thoughtful, and diverse in taking the time to get to know a candidate while the candidate gets to know Cloudflare. It is humbling to realize that any employee interviewing has also passed through this challenging process. It all starts with a phone call, as most interviews do, and the process is fairly standard until Continue reading