Author Archives: Ethan Park
Author Archives: Ethan Park
Project Jengo is a Cloudflare effort to fight back against patent trolls by flipping the incentive structure that has encouraged the growth of patent trolls who extract settlements out of companies using frivolous lawsuits. We do this by asking the public to identify prior art that can invalidate any of the patents that a troll holds – not just the ones that are asserted against Cloudflare.
Since we launched Project Jengo over five years ago, we’ve given out over $135,000 to individuals who helped us find prior art to invalidate patents owned by patent trolls. By invalidating those patents – many of which are so blatantly marginal or broad that they never should have been granted in the first place – we hope to decrease the amount of harassment and frivolous lawsuits that patent trolls bring against innovative technology companies.
Today, we’re excited to announce three new Project Jengo winners. These individuals have helped us push forward our effort to take down patent trolls, and continue to fight trolling in favor of innovation.
The current case involves a patent troll called Sable Networks who asserted four patents that generally describe a flow-based router or a mechanism Continue reading
This past April we announced the revival of Project Jengo in response to a patent troll called Sable Networks that sued Cloudflare even though our technology and products are nothing like what’s described in Sable’s patents. This is only one part of Sable’s larger campaign against innovative technology companies — Sable sued five other technology companies earlier this year, and had sued seven other technology companies under the same patents last year.
Just as we have done in the past, we decided to fight back rather than feed the troll — which would only make it stronger. You see, unlike Cloudflare and other operating companies that were sued, Sable Networks isn’t in the business of providing products and services to the market. Rather, it exists to extract settlements out of productive companies that are creating value to the society.
Project Jengo is a prior art search contest where we ask the Cloudflare community for help in finding evidence (“prior art”) that shows Sable’s patents are invalid because they claim something that was already known at the time the patent application was filed. We committed $100,000 in cash prizes to be shared by the winners who were successful in finding Continue reading