Author Archives: James Kyle
Author Archives: James Kyle
Late last year, the CloudFlare UI team made a huge decision: to change JavaScript frameworks from Backbone & Marionette to React & Redux.
We’ve been one of the single biggest Backbone+Marionette apps on the web for a while now, and the decision to move was not taken lightly. On our team we have a former core team member of the Marionette team (myself), and the author of several popular Backbone projects: Backgrid and Backbone Paginator.
In the spirit of the open web, we want to share more about what we’re doing. This starts by open sourcing the UI framework that we have spent the last few months building.
While moving to React, we’ve taken our existing Backbone UI framework and rebuilt it from scratch on top of React. This includes over 50 packages that include dozens of components, utilities, test helpers, and more.
Examples: https://cloudflare.github.io/cf-ui
GitHub: https://github.com/cloudflare/cf-ui
We’re not open sourcing cf-ui because we think our buttons are any better than anyone else’s buttons, but because it’s an opportunity to share some of the technical decisions that we’ve made while building out a massive React application. The hope is that this will be Continue reading