Author Archives: James Larisch
Author Archives: James Larisch
Over the last year, Cloudflare has begun formally verifying the correctness of our internal DNS addressing behavior — the logic that determines which IP address a DNS query receives when it hits our authoritative nameserver. This means that for every possible DNS query for a proxied domain we could receive, we try to mathematically prove properties about our DNS addressing behavior, even when different systems (owned by different teams) at Cloudflare have contradictory views on which IP addresses should be returned.
To achieve this, we formally verify the programs — written in a custom Lisp-like programming language — that our nameserver executes when it receives a DNS query. These programs determine which IP addresses to return. Whenever an engineer changes one of these programs, we run all the programs through our custom model checker (written in Racket + Rosette) to check for certain bugs (e.g., one program overshadowing another) before the programs are deployed.
Our formal verifier runs in production today, and is part of a larger addressing system called Topaz. In fact, it’s likely you’ve made a DNS query today that triggered a formally verified Topaz program.
This post is a technical description of how Continue reading