Author Archives: Jameson Sundell
Author Archives: Jameson Sundell
Hardenize is a comprehensive security tool that continuously monitors the security and configuration of your domain name, email, and website. Ivan Ristić, the author of Hardenize, gave a demo of his app at our Cloudflare London HQ.
Do you know how secure your site is? View a Hardenize report on your website by clicking this button:
Interested in sharing a demo of your app at a meetup? We can help coordinate. Drop a line to [email protected].
Cloudflare hosted a developer preview workshop in Austin for Cloudflare Apps, taught by Zack Bloom, tech lead of Cloudflare Apps. Due to popular request, we are making available the video from the workshop.
Want some ideas on what to start with? Check out the idea suggestion list on our Cloudflare Community page. It's a great idea to review our Apps documentation available here.
Want to request a Cloudflare Apps workshop in your city? Please drop a line to [email protected]
Share your works in progress and compare notes with other developers on the community forum.
For Net Neutrality Day on July 12, Fight for the Future (FFTF) launched a Cloudflare App installable for websites all over the world. Sites with it installed saw as many as 178 million page views prompting the users to write to their local congressional representative on the importance of Net Neutrality. All told, the FCC received over 2 million comments and Congress received millions of emails and phone calls.
Screenshot of App Page for FFTF’s Battle for the Net app. Source code for this app.
When our co-founders launched Cloudflare in 2011, it was with a firm belief that the Internet is a place where all voices should be heard. The ability for either an ISP or government to censor the Internet based on their opinions or a profit motive rather than law could pose a huge threat to free speech on the Internet.
Cloudflare is a staunch supporter of Net Neutrality and the work done by Fight for the Future, which shows how effective Internet civic campaigns can be.
To get a heads up on Fight for the Future campaigns in the future, sign up for their mailing list.
See source code for FFTF’s Battle for the Net Cloudflare Continue reading
We recently launched our new Cloudflare Apps platform, and love to see the community it is building. In an effort to help people who run web services such as websites, APIs and more, we would like to help make your web services faster, safer and more reliable using our new Apps Platform by leveraging our 115 points of presence around the world. (Skip ahead to the fun part if you already know how Cloudflare Apps works)
Here is a quick diagram of how Cloudflare apps work:
The “Origin” is the server that is providing your services, such as your website or API. The “Edge” represents a point of presence that is closest to your visitors. Cloudflare uses a routing method known as Anycast to ensure the end user, pictured on the far right, is routed through the best network path to our points of presence closest to them around the world.
Historically, to make changes or additions to your site at the edge changes to a site, you needed to be a Cloudflare employee. Now with apps, anyone can quickly make changes to the pages rendered to their users via Javascript and CSS. Today, you Continue reading