Author Archives: Jeffrey Burt
Author Archives: Jeffrey Burt
Over the year, Dell EMC has always had a hand in HPC and supercomputing. …
Dell EMC Gets Serious About HPC – Again was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
A major part of China’s several initiatives to build an exascale-class supercomputers has been the country’s determination to rely mostly on homegrown technologies – from processors and accelerators to interconnects and software – rather than turn to vendors outside of its borders, particularly those from the United States. …
China Navigating The Homegrown Waters For Exascale was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
If it’s the SC18 supercomputing conference, then there must be lists. …
Moving Graph Analytics Testing On Supercomputers Forward was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
Oracle was famously behind the cloud computing curve, with co-founder and then-CEO Larry Ellison several years ago dismissing it as little more than an empty tag that was more on par with fashion trends than anything serious in the tech world. …
Oracle Puts Together RDMA, Bare Metal for HPC was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
More than five years ago, Nvidia, driven by its co-founder and CEO, Jensen Huang, turned its considerable focus to developing technologies for the revitalized and burgeoning artificial intelligence space. …
Nvidia Pulls All Of The AI Pieces Together was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
These are challenging times for Intel. Long – and still – the dominant chip maker in the datacenter with its battle-tested Xeon processors, the company is now seeing challenges everywhere. …
Intel Doubles Down On Doubled Up Xeons For HPC was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
The Ohio Supercomputer Center’s mission to supply supercomputing capabilities to educational institutions and companies throughout the state is about to get a significant boost in the form of a powerful and highly-efficient cluster based on Dell EMC servers and leveraging liquid-cooling technology from CoolIT. …
Ohio Supercomputer Center Picks CPUs, GPUs, and Liquid Cooling For Pitzer Cluster was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
The data-heavy medical field has long been seen as fertile ground for artificial intelligence (AI), where machine learning and deep learning techniques could crunch through mountains of data to drive everything from research to personalized medicine. …
GPU And Genomics Heavyweights Team On AI for Healthcare was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
Enterprises are looking at a future of multiple clouds and hybrid clouds where they can run not only their new cloud-native applications but also migrate many of their legacy workloads and take advantage of cost savings and the agility that comes with cloud computing. …
Spanning The Clouds, Public And Private, With The Kubernetes Stack was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
The growth of a new technology as it enters the industry can tend to take on a certain pattern. …
Red Hat Flexes CoreOS Muscle In OpenShift Kubernetes Platform was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
The revelations by Google’s Project Zero team earlier this year of the Spectre and Meltdown speculative execution vulnerabilities in most of processors that have powered servers and PCs for the past couple of decades shook the industry as Intel and other chip makers scrambled to mitigate the risk of the threats in the short term and then implement plans to incorporate the mitigation techniques into future versions of the silicon. …
Trading Off Security And Performance Thanks To Spectre And Meltdown was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
Sometimes, if you stick around long enough in business, the market will come to you. …
System And Chip Architecture Shifts To A Heterogeneous World was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
It is intuitively obvious that most enterprises are want to embrace the public cloud, and they do not want to have a sole source of their cloudy compute, storage, and networking. …
Dell EMC Leans On VMware In The Cloud was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
The increasingly distributed nature of computing and the rapid growth in the number of the small connected devices that make up the Internet of Things (IoT) are combining with trends like the rise of silicon-level vulnerabilities highlighted by Spectre, Meltdown, and more recent variants to create an expanding and fluid security landscape that’s difficult for enterprises to navigate. …
Getting To The Root Of Security With Trusted Silicon was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
Five years ago, Hewlett Packard Enterprise let loose the Peregrine supercomputer at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, a marriage of performance and power efficiency that is based on HPE’s dense Apollo 8000 system and includes warm liquid cooling. …
NREL Set to Soar Higher With Eagle Supercomputer was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
Newisys has been on the NVM-Express for several years, putting the high-profile interface in a growing number of server and storage platforms, including servers with NVM-Express directly attacked to the CPU, a system running NVM-Express over Fabrics (NVMe-oF) and a storage expansion flash array (JBOF, or Just a Bunch of Flash). …
Negotiating The NVM-Express Land Rush was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
The massive amounts of data being generated in enterprise datacenters and out there on the public clouds and the need to quickly access and analyze that data is putting a strain on traditional storage and memory architectures that typically inhabit these environments. …
Intel Pries Open Servers To Squeeze In Persistent Memory was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
Intel continues to pull in massive amounts of money through its portfolio of datacenter wares and to dominate the market for processors in the glass house. …
Intel Looks Down The Server Chip Road To Ice Lake was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
The Texas Advanced Computer Center (TACC) will house the latest leadership-class supercomputer funded by the National Science Foundation, a project that stands as a tribute to the NSF’s continued efforts to push supercomputing projects and the latest indication of the ground the organization is losing to the Department of Energy (DOE) in this effort. …
TACC Tapped for NSF’s Next Supercomputer was written by Jeffrey Burt at .
Enterprises that want to leverage the huge amounts of data they are generating to gain useful insights and make faster and better business decisions are going to have to use machine learning at scale for modeling and training. …
Bringing Machine Learning Within Reach Of Enterprises was written by Jeffrey Burt at .