Jeffrey Burt

Author Archives: Jeffrey Burt

Trading Off Security And Performance Thanks To Spectre And Meltdown

The revelations by Google’s Project Zero team earlier this year of the Spectre and Meltdown speculative execution vulnerabilities in most of processors that have powered servers and PCs for the past couple of decades shook the industry as Intel and other chip makers scrambled to mitigate the risk of the threats in the short term and then implement plans to incorporate the mitigation techniques into future versions of the silicon.

Trading Off Security And Performance Thanks To Spectre And Meltdown was written by Jeffrey Burt at .

Getting To The Root Of Security With Trusted Silicon

The increasingly distributed nature of computing and the rapid growth in the number of the small connected devices that make up the Internet of Things (IoT) are combining with trends like the rise of silicon-level vulnerabilities highlighted by Spectre, Meltdown, and more recent variants to create an expanding and fluid security landscape that’s difficult for enterprises to navigate.

Getting To The Root Of Security With Trusted Silicon was written by Jeffrey Burt at .

TACC Tapped for NSF’s Next Supercomputer

The Texas Advanced Computer Center (TACC) will house the latest leadership-class supercomputer funded by the National Science Foundation, a project that stands as a tribute to the NSF’s continued efforts to push supercomputing projects and the latest indication of the ground the organization is losing to the Department of Energy (DOE) in this effort.

TACC Tapped for NSF’s Next Supercomputer was written by Jeffrey Burt at .

Cray XC50 Accelerates Astrophysics In Japan

Researchers for centuries have relied on observational and theoretical astronomy for studying the stars, using telescopes and mathematical calculations to view planets and other objects, determine how they relate to each other, delve into mysteries like black holes and dark matter, and put into perspective the Earth’s place in the universe.

Cray XC50 Accelerates Astrophysics In Japan was written by Jeffrey Burt at .

HPE Boots Up Sandbox Of The Machine For Early Users

It has been four years since Kirk Bresniker, HPE Fellow, vice president, and chief architect at Hewlett Packard Labs, stood before a crowd of journalists and analysts at the company’s Discover show and announced plans to create a new computing architecture that puts the focus on memory and will eventually use such technologies as silicon photonics and memristors.

HPE Boots Up Sandbox Of The Machine For Early Users was written by Jeffrey Burt at .

Cisco Twists Open Its Intent Networking

The rise of public clouds, the Internet of Things, greater mobility, and the more devices connecting to corporate networks is creating highly distributed environments for enterprises where applications can come from a variety of places, workloads can run on-premises or somewhere in multiple public clouds and computing resources can be located anywhere from the datacenter through branch offices and the network edge and out in the cloud.

Cisco Twists Open Its Intent Networking was written by Jeffrey Burt at .

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