Author Archives: Jonathan Spies
Author Archives: Jonathan Spies
You’ve had a chance to build a Cloudflare Worker. You’ve tried KV Storage and have a great use case for your Worker. You’ve even demonstrated the usefulness to your product or organization. Now you need to go from writing a single file in the Cloudflare Dashboard UI Editor to source controlled code with multiple environments deployed using your favorite CI tool.
Fortunately, we have a powerful and flexible API for managing your workers. You can customize your deployment to your heart’s content. Our blog has already featured many things made possible by that API:
These tools make deployments easier to configure, but it still takes time to manage. The Serverless Framework Cloudflare Workers plugin removes that deployment overhead so you can spend more time working on your application and less on your deployment.
Here at Cloudflare, we’ve been working to rebuild our Access product to run entirely on Workers. The move will allow Access to take advantage of the resiliency, performance, and flexibility of Workers. We’ll publish a more detailed post about that migration once complete, but the experience required that we retool some of our Continue reading