Author Archives: Josh Wheeler
Author Archives: Josh Wheeler
Cloudflare Queues let a developer decouple their Workers into event-driven services. Producer Workers write events to a Queue, and consumer Workers are invoked to take actions on the events. For example, you can use a Queue to decouple an e-commerce website from a service which sends purchase confirmation emails to users. During 2024’s Birthday Week, we announced that Cloudflare Queues is now Generally Available, with significant performance improvements that enable larger workloads. To accomplish this, we switched to a new architecture for Queues that enabled the following improvements:
Median latency for sending messages has dropped from ~200ms to ~60ms
Maximum throughput for each Queue has increased over 10x, from 400 to 5000 messages per second
Maximum Consumer concurrency for each Queue has increased from 20 to 250 concurrent invocations
Median latency drops from ~200ms to ~60ms as Queues are migrated to the new architecture
In this blog post, we'll share details about how we built Queues using Durable Objects and the Cloudflare Developer Platform, and how we migrated from an initial Beta architecture to a geographically-distributed, horizontally-scalable architecture for General Availability.
When initially designing Cloudflare Queues, we decided to build something simple that we could get Continue reading