Author Archives: Julien Barbier
Author Archives: Julien Barbier
DockerCon Europe is sold out! But wait…
Here, at Docker HQ, since the announcement of DockerCon Europe 2014, we have been sprinting to keep up with the overwhelming response and today, we must inform you that the conference is sold out. Tickets went faster than expected so we want to give you one last opportunity to attend.
Today, we are super excited to announce Docker Global Hack Day #2 on October 30th! The prize will be full conference passes including roundtrip airfare for all members of the winning team. Last year, the event was a big success, and we expect this year to be even more awesome with more cities and more hackers around the world involved!
The San Francisco edition will kickoff with talks by Ben Golub, CEO of Docker, and Solomon Hykes, Founder and CTO of Docker, who will demonstrate the power and new features of Docker 1.3 and how they facilitate the creation of distributed applications. The agenda will include a number of Docker customers who are building their next generation of applications based upon our open platform. In addition, the event will have a surprise announcement to the community. The talks and demo will be Continue reading
Today we are proud to announce that Docker was named a winner of the InfoWorld Bossies 2014 in two categories:
We would like to thank our community and our partners for this award, as Docker would not exist without you!
Thank you!
Today we are very happy to announce DockerCon Europe 2014, the first official Docker conference organized in Europe, by both Docker, Inc. and members of the community. The conference will take place in Amsterdam, at the NEMO science center, December 4th and 5th.
We will also have a full day or training prior to the conference, led by Jérôme Petazzoni on December 3rd.
The official website is still under construction as we are finalizing the last details, but today we can announce that the Docker team will be present as well as incredible speakers from the Docker community including:
Call for papers opens today, you can submit your talk here. If you are interested in our sponsorship options, please contact us at [email protected].
We also want to give a special thanks to Pini Reznik, Harm Boertien, Mark Coleman, Maarten Dirkse and the Docker Amsterdam community, who are working with us to bring the best of Docker to Europe.
Save the dates and stay tuned for more announcements!