Author Archives: jvukson
Author Archives: jvukson
As almost everyone in the networking community knows, next week is Cisco Live in Orlando, Florida. And as just about well…everyone knows, Orlando is the home of Disney World, a.k.a. the Land of Make Believe.
There are some that would have you believe that the software-defined networking (SDN) market is the land of make believe as well – lots of buzz words, catchy messaging and pretty PowerPoint slides. Embrane and our customers have a different view.
It’s a view we can’t wait to talk about next week. We have a lot to share with the show attendees. There’s a lot of synergy between Embrane and Cisco. Whether attendees want to talk about running applications on UCS or moving traffic through their data center or cloud environment with Nexus switches, we add a tremendous amount of value to those environments with our software-defined network services.
Speaking of UCS. Because I like a good Main Street, USA fireworks show as much as the blinking lights on a piece of hardware, I’m really looking forward to powering up the Cisco UCS chassis we are going to have in the booth. Then, just a few seconds after that spinning up software-defined firewalls Continue reading