I have a Apple Time Capsule which I love and cherish. It's about a year old. No, it isn't the latest model anymore. It claims it is able to talk IPv6... but it doesn't. Sadly, it runs something called version 7.4.2 - that works fine but where IPv6 is broken. To have functioning IPv6 I should have 7.5 or later. That would require me to pay more money for protection to Apple as it seems like it is only available on the Very Latest Time Capsules.
Now, someone explain to me:
what the fuck? over.
why must I buy a new box to get something to work which is supposedly is there already
immediate cessation in software updates upon release of incremental hardware update
if you changed the chipset then how hard can it be to make a conditional instead of drop all future upgrades
fail to communicate what's going to work and what's not
Feel free to google "time capsule 7.4.2 ipv6" for more info.