Author Archives: Linda Hardesty
Author Archives: Linda Hardesty
NTT also announced a reseller partnership with Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
ONOS has done a ton of coding in just one year.
SON could become big with the advent of 5G.
With IoT, Telus could contract with a utility to do meter reading.
Unlike AT&T before Domain 2.0, these companies will court startups.
The new controller is based on OpenDaylight.
OPNFV says 'no forking' to coders from telcos who are under commercial pressures.
An IoT trial is the latest in a flurry of Ericsson partnerships.
The VDX product family revenue grew 45 percent during Q4.
Monitoring software replaces legacy equipment in Latin America.
First, we’ll tell you what ‘fronthaul’ is.
Tidbits from SC15, GEN15, and DockerCon Europe.
Comcast could use NFV to bring in mobile revenues.
CENX's Service Orchestrator scores a win in Asia-Pacific.
Internet on Demand is next, AT&T says at the GEN15 conference.
Cisco moves service providers closer to cloud-scale networking.
SDN, NFV and IoT: CENGN worked on them as the OPNFV was forming.
Code writing is hard, but defining the scope of the project may be even harder.
Telcos don't want NFV to screw up their networks.
Decoupling like Juniper? No comparison, say Versa's founders.