Author Archives: Mano Marks
Author Archives: Mano Marks
All this week, we have been bringing you the top 5 blog posts of 2018. Now for #3 on top 5 list – our blog post on Play with Kubernetes. Following the success of Play with Docker, earlier this year, we gave you the ability to learn Kubernetes from the convenience of our training site. Continue reading to learn more…
Every month for the last year, thousands of people have used Play with Docker and the accompanying hands-on Play with Docker Classroom training site. These sites allow you to use and learn Docker entirely within your own browser, without installing anything. Last summer, we quietly launched the companion site Play with Kubernetes, to give people a full command line while learning Kubernetes on the command line. And today we’re launching a new Kubernetes training site, the Play with Kubernetes Classroom.
The Play with Kubernetes Classroom is a workshop environment just like the Play with Docker Classroom. We currently have an extensive Kubernetes workshop originally based on Jérôme Petazzoni’s Container Training Kubernetes workshop. But instead of doing it all locally or setting up VMs in the cloud, you can now run through the workshop entirely in the browser.
The closing keynote at DockerCon is traditionally the Cool Hacks keynote. This year, we featured three great hacks showing off innovative uses of Docker. In this post, I’d like to highlight one in particular, the Kubeflow demo with David Aronchick, and Michelle Casbon.
Machine Learning (ML) is becoming increasing popular, and important to enterprises. Kubeflow is an ML toolkit for Kubernetes, developed by Google. It’s a dedicated, portable and scalable approach to machine learning, using tools you’re already using to deploy other applications. It’s great because data scientists can use it to test out model creation on their laptops. And data engineers can take the models and use the power of Docker Enterprisein the cloud to further train and use the models in production.
In their demo, David and Michelle showed building an app using Kubeflow first with Docker Desktop and then on Docker Enterprise in the cloud. And they even took advantage of Google Cloud Tensorflow Processing Units native to the platform.
Check out their presentation and demo, and also check out Kubeflow to learn more.
Cool Hacks Spotlight: @kubeflow, a ML toolkit for #Kubernetes
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Stay connected with Docker by taking advantage of the Continue reading
Yesterday we continued a long tradition at DockerCon, the Cool Hacks closing keynote. In our Cool Hacks keynote, we like to emphasize applications that push the limits and applications that represent major future trends in container workloads. We also like to feature applications that demonstrate how Docker fueled innovation can be used every day.
This DockerCon, the three applications we chose embodied all of these characteristics.
Our first hack, by Christopher Heistand of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory is helping save the world. The Double Asteroid Redirect Mission Test (DART) is testing kinetic impact against an asteroid to measure whether one can be redirected. They use Docker to emulate the specialized and expensive hardware, saving them money and development time.
David Aronchick (@aronchick ) and Michelle Casbon (@texasmichelle) demonstrated our second hack with Kubeflow. Machine learning in production workloads, at scale.
And finally, Idit Levine (@Idit_Levine) showed us Gloo. Gloo gives you the portability and choice of a serverless framework, from cloud services like AWS Lambda to running one of the several containerized self-hosted serverless frameworks. All running in Docker EE.
Check out our Cool Hacks closing keynote.
And finally, we wrapped up inviting Continue reading
Every month for the last year, thousands of people have used Play with Docker and the accompanying hands-on Play with Docker Classroom training site. These sites allow you to use and learn Docker entirely within your own browser, without installing anything. Last summer, we quietly launched the companion site Play with Kubernetes, to give people a full command line while learning Kubernetes. And today we’re launching a new Kubernetes training site, the Play with Kubernetes Classroom.
The Play with Kubernetes Classroom is a workshop environment just like the Play with Docker Classroom. We currently have an extensive Kubernetes workshop originally based on Jérôme Petazzoni’s Container Training Kubernetes workshop. But instead of doing it all locally or setting up VMs in the cloud, you can now run through the workshop entirely in the browser.
Like the Play with Docker Classroom, we’ll be curating contributions of additional labs from the community. So give Kubernetes in your browser a try, and then come on over to the Play with Kubernetes repository to share your own tutorials with the community.
Check out the Play with Kubernetes Classroom
Try Kubernetes in Docker Enterprise Edition
Try Kubernetes in the browser with https://training.play-with-kubernetes.com
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Every month for the last year, thousands of people have used Play with Docker and the accompanying hands-on Play with Docker Classroom training site. These sites allow you to use and learn Docker entirely within your own browser, without installing anything. Last summer, we quietly launched the companion site Play with Kubernetes, to give people a full command line while learning Kubernetes on the command line. And today we’re launching a new Kubernetes training site, the Play with Kubernetes Classroom.
The Play with Kubernetes Classroom is a workshop environment just like the Play with Docker Classroom. We currently have an extensive Kubernetes workshop originally based on Jérôme Petazzoni’s Container Training Kubernetes workshop. But instead of doing it all locally or setting up VMs in the cloud, you can now run through the workshop entirely in the browser.
Like the Play with Docker Classroom, we’ll be curating contributions of additional labs from the community. So give Kubernetes in your browser a try, and then come on over to the Play with Kubernetes repository to share your own tutorials with the community.
Try Kubernetes in the browser Continue reading
One of more popular activities at DockerCon is our Hands-on Labs, where you can learn to use the Docker tools you see announced on stage, or talked about in the breakout sessions. This year we had eight labs for people to work through, ranging from 20 minutes to an hour in length.
We’ve now moved these apps into the Docker Labs Repo so that everyone can use them. The Docker Labs Repo is where we put a bunch of learning content for people who want to learn Docker, from beginner to advanced security and networking labs.
Here are the new labs:
In this lab, you will learn how to configure a continuous integration (CI) pipeline for a web application using Docker Cloud’s automated build features.
In this lab, you will play around with the container orchestration features of Docker. You will deploy a simple application to a single host and learn how that works. Then, you will configure Docker Swarm Mode, and learn to deploy the same simple application across multiple hosts. You will then see how to scale the application and move the workload across different hosts easily.
Every year at DockerCon, we expand the bounds of what Docker can do with new features and products. And every day, we see great new apps that are built on top of Docker. And yet, there’s always a few that stand out not just for being cool apps, but for pushing the bounds of what you can do with Docker.
This year we had two great apps that we featured in the Docker Cool Hacks closing keynote. Both hacks came from members of our Docker Captains program, a group of people from the Docker community who are recognized by Docker as very knowledgeable about Docker, and contribute quite a bit to the community.
The first Cool Hack was Play with Docker by Marcos Nils and Jonathan Leibiusky. Marcos and Jonathan actually were featured in the Cool Hacks session at DockerCon EU in 2015 for their work on a Container Migration Tool.
Play with Docker is a Docker playground that you can run in your browser.
Play with Docker’s architecture is a Swarm of Swarms, running Docker in Docker instances.
Running on pretty beefy hosts r3.4xlarge on AWS – Play with Docker is able to run Continue reading
Remember last year when I said the market for Docker jobs was blowing up? Well, it’s more than doubled in the last year. And Swarm is also rising quickly, growing 12829%, almost all of that in the last year. We expect that with our partnership with Microsoft and Windows Docker containers, that this will grow even faster in the next year as .NET developers start to containerize their applications and Windows IT Professionals start porting their infrastructure to Docker. Take a look at this trendline from indeed.com.
So what are you doing to increase your Docker skills? Want a few suggestions?
Whether you’re a developer or more an ops person, a great place to start is the Docker Labs repository, which has currently 28 labs for you to choose from. They range from beginner tutorials, to orchestration workshops, security and networking tutorials, and guides for using different programming languages and developer tools.
Of course there’s also the Docker Documentation, which has a rich set of resources.
At Dockercon 2017 in April, there will be rich set of material for beginners and experts alike, and you will get to meet people from all over the world Continue reading
2016 has been an amazing year for Docker and the container industry. We had 3 major releases of Docker engine this year , and tremendous increase in usage. The community has been following along and contributing amazing Docker resources to help you learn and get hands-on experience. Here’s some of the top read and viewed content for the year:
Of course releases are always really popular, particularly when they fit requests we had from the community. In particular, we had:
When Microsoft made Windows 2016 generally available, people rushed to
We also provide a lot of information about how to use Docker. In particular, these posts and articles that we shared on social media were the most read:
Eclipse Che is a developer workspace server and cloud IDE. With Che, you can define a workspace with the project code files and all of their dependencies necessary to edit, build, run, and debug them. You can share your workspaces with other team members. And Che drives Codenvy, cloud workspaces for development teams, with access control and other features.
Today in the keynote at CheConf 2016, Tyler Jewell made several Docker related announcements.
You may have heard, there’s an election for president (and many other posts) going on in the US today. For those who already voted, who want a break from voting, or just want to create a new quiz for their friends, we have the Docker Example Voting App. And we’ve even created a poll to help you figure out the best quiz to make.
Which #Docker voting app face off would you select? #TwitterPoll #ElectionDay
— Docker (@docker) November 8, 2016
The voting app was created to showcase a number of features of Docker:
All this using a simple $ docker-compose up.
The Example Voting App has been really popular at Docker events like the Docker 3rd birthday, and in our Docker Labs repository, which has a lot of example applications and tutorials. And recently, Docker Captain Alex Ellis ported the app to Windows Containers using:
So if you want a break from the election, check out our poll Continue reading
Yesterday, we held a packed webinar on using the Image2Docker tool that prototypes shifting a legacy Windows virtual machine to a Windows Container Dockerfile.
Image2Docker is an open source, community generated powershell module that searches for common components of a Windows Server VM and generates a Dockerfile to match. Originally created by Docker Captain Trevor Sullivan, it is now an open source tool hosted in our GitHub repository. Currently there is discovery of components such IIS, Apache, SQL Server and more. As an input it supports VHD, VHDX, and WIM files. When paired with Microsoft’s Virtual Machine Converter, you can start with pretty much any VM format.
Image2Docker is community supported and designed to show you how easy it is to create Windows Containers from your existing servers. We strongly encourage you to fork it, play with it and contribute pull requests back to the community. Or just install it and use it to generate your own Dockerfiles.
Watch the on-demand webinar to learn more about how it was built, how to use it, and how to contribute.
Here are some of the most popular questions from the sessions with answers.
Is it possible to containerize an application Continue reading
Since we launched Docker Labs back in May, we’ve had a lot of interest. So we keep adding more and improving the labs that we have. We now have 22 hands on labs for you to choose from, ranging from beginner tutorials to much more advanced ones. Here’s a peek at what we have:
So check out Docker Labs to learn more about using Docker. And as always, we really encourage contributions. So if you have a lab you want to get out there, or find a way to improve what we have, please contribute today.
The post Even more Docker Labs! appeared first on Docker Blog.
Docker is a great tool for building, shipping, and running your applications. Many companies are already moving their legacy applications to Docker containers and now with the introduction of the Microsoft Windows Server 2016, Docker Engine can not run containers natively on Windows.To make it even easier, there’s a new prototyping tool for Windows VMs that shows you how to replicate a VM Image to a container.
Docker Captain Trevor Sullivan recently released the Image2Docker tool, an open source project we’re hosting on GitHub. Still in it’s early stages, Image2Docker is a Powershell module that you can point at a virtual hard disk image, scan for common Windows components and suggest a Dockerfile. And to make it even easier, we’re hosting it in the Powershell Gallery to make it easy to install and use.
In Powershell, just type:
Install-Module -Name Image2Docker
And you’ll have access to Get-WindowsArtifacts
and ConvertTo-Dockerfile
. You can even select which discovery artifacts to search for.
Currently Image2Docker supports VHD, VHDK, and WIM images. If you have a VMDK, Microsoft provides a great conversion tool to convert VMDK images to VHD images.
And as an open source project, lead by a Docker Captain, it’s easy Continue reading
By John Mulhausen
The documentation team at Docker is excited to announce that we are consolidating all of our documentation into a single GitHub Pages-based repository on GitHub.
Back in May, we launched the Docker Labs repo in an effort to provide the community with a central place to both learn from and contribute to Docker tutorials. We now have 16 separate labs and tutorials, with 16 different contributors, both from Docker and from the community. And it all started with a birthday party.
Back in March, Docker celebrated it’s third birthday with more than 125 events around the world to teach new users how to use Docker. The tutorial was very popular, and we realized people would like this kind of content. So we migrated it to the labs repository as a beginner tutorial. Since then, we’ve added tutorials on using .NET and Windows containers, Docker for Java developers, our DockerCon labs and much more.
Today we wanted to call out a new series of tutorials on developer tools. We’re starting with three tutorials for Java Developers on in-container debugging strategies. Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows introduced improved volume management, which allows you to debug live in a container while using your favorite IDE.
We try our best to continuously update these tutorials and add new ones but definitely welcome external Continue reading
Last week, the total number of image pulls from the Docker Hub Repository Service reached 5 billion. That’s an increase of 150% since just February. It’s pretty amazing for a three year old project. Docker Hub has become a part of the daily life of developers because it
Last week I sat down with Dieter Reuter from Hypriot. Dieter is a Docker Captain who spends a lot of time working with ARM and Raspberry Pis in particular. Dieter told me how excited he is by Swarm Mode in particular because of how easy it would be to set-up a collection of Internet of Things devices to work together securely.
So we took a look at how easy it is to set-up a Raspberry Pi cluster and run Docker 1.12 in Swarm Mode. Here’s how he ran Swarm Mode:
So if you want to set-up a cluster of your own, he’s provided this helpful guide with a bit more details on how to set-up a Raspberry Pi Cluster in 29 minutes.
Also a number of people have asked after the visualizer that he’s using in demo. This is a Node.js visualizer originally built by the Docker Cloud team for DockerCon Europe. I modded it for DockerCon in Seattle, and released the code in a GitHub repository. I welcome additional contributions.
Download Docker here www.docker.com/getdocker
Try out the new #docker Swarm Mode on a @Raspberry_Pi Cluster by @Quintus23M & @HypriotTweets!
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Only 6 days left Continue reading
Back in March, we launched a private beta for a new ambitious project called Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows. Our major goal was to bring a native Docker experience to Mac and Windows, making it easier for developers to work with Docker in their own environments. And thousands agreed. Over thirty thousand applied in the first 24 hours. And by last week, we let in over seventy thousand.
And now all you need to get started developing is Docker and a text editor. No more installing dependencies and runtimes just to debug applications.