Author Archives: Mengqi Chen
Author Archives: Mengqi Chen
Over the course of this summer, I had the incredible opportunity to join the Workers Developer Productivity team and help improve the developer experience of Workers. Today, I’ll talk about my project to implement the OAuth 2.0 login protocol for Wrangler, the Workers command line interface (CLI).
Wrangler needs to be authorized in order to carry out its job. API tokens are one way to authorize Wrangler, but they do not provide the best user experience as the user needs to manually copy and paste their tokens. This is where the OAuth 2.0 protocol comes into play.
Previously, the wrangler login
command used API tokens to authenticate Wrangler. However, managing API tokens can sometimes be cumbersome, since you need to go to the Cloudflare dashboard to create or modify a token. By using OAuth 2.0, we can allow users to directly choose permissions or scopes from Wrangler. OAuth 2.0 helps simplify the login process while making it more secure.
OAuth 2.0 is an industry-standard protocol for allowing users to authorize applications without having to share a password. In order to understand this protocol, we need to define some Continue reading