Author Archives: Nathan LeClaire
Author Archives: Nathan LeClaire
Just a quick reminder: As of today you have only two weeks to sign up for the very first ever public Docker training class in San Francisco! Here’s your chance to rapidly get up to speed on Docker’s container technology with plenty of first-hand attention. The class, held in a small intimate setting in downtown San Francisco, will be led by myself and the legendary Jérôme Petazzoni. We are both Solutions Engineers at Docker Inc. with strong backgrounds in development and operations. The training will be held September 17th and 18th and will cover a wide range of topics from fundamentals to best practices to orchestration and beyond.
Click here to reserve your spot today!
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I want the speed and other advantages of a static site generator, but with the flexibility of a database-backed CMS.
From cars to computers, getting both flexibility and performance all too often requires a carefully weighed set of trade-offs. Generating content for your readers and fans on the web is no exception. On the one hand, techies have recently embraced static site generators such as Jekyll, and for good reason, as these systems provide a lot of advantages (e.g., deploying straight to Github pages, high performance, and ease of keeping your content in version control). However, they are not without their own challenges such as steep learning curves and slow, cumbersome workflows.
On the other hand, flexible, database-backed content management system such as WordPress can be a better choice in some situations. It’s very nice to have the flexibility to allow non-technical people to edit and update content, and for authors to edit online from anywhere without needing a special suite of software and skills. However, CMSs such as WordPress can also be slow, temperamental, and hard to optimize.
Lately, I’ve been trying to find a good balance for my website. Currently, it Continue reading