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Author Archives: networkop on networkop
Virtual networking has been one of the hottest areas of research and development in recent years. Kubernetes alone has, at the time of writing, 20 different networking plugins, some of which can be combined to build even more plugins. However, if we dig a bit deeper, most of these plugins and solutions are built out of two very simple constructs:
Note1: for the purpose of this article I won’t consider service meshes as a network solution, although it clearly is one, simply because it operates higher than TCP/IP and ultimately still requires network plumbing to be in place
If those look familiar, you’re not mistaken, they are the same exact things that were used to connect VMs together and enforce network security policies at the dawn of SDN era almost a decade ago. Although some of these technologies have gone a long way in both features and performance, they still treat containers the same way they treated VMs. There are a few exceptions that don’t involve the above Continue reading
Whether we like it or not, the era of DevOps is upon us, fellow network engineers, and with it come opportunities to approach and solve common networking problems in new, innovative ways. One such problem is automated network change validation and testing in virtual environments, something I’ve already written about a few years ago. The biggest problem with my original approach was that I had to create a custom REST API SDK to work with a network simulation environment (UnetLab) that was never designed to be interacted with in a programmatic way. On the other hand, technologies like Docker have been very interesting since they were built around the idea of non-interactive lifecycle management and came with all API batteries already included. However, Docker was never intended to be used for network simulations and its support for multiple network interfaces is… somewhat problematic.
The easiest way to understand the problem is to see it. Let’s start with a blank Docker host and create a few networks:
docker network create net1
docker network create net2
docker network create net3
Now let’s see what prefixes have been allocated to those networks:
docker network inspect -f "{{range .IPAM.Config }}{{.Subnet}}{{end}}" Continue reading
Continuing on the trend started in my previous post about OpenDaylight, I’ll move on to the next open-source product that uses BGP VPNs for optimal North-South traffic forwarding. OpenContrail is one of the most popular SDN solutions for OpenStack. It was one of the first hybrid SDN solutions, offering both pure overlay and overlay/underlay integration. It is the default SDN platform of choice for Mirantis Cloud Platform, it has multiple large-scale deployments in companies like Workday and AT&T. I, personally, don’t have any production experience with OpenContrail, however my impression, based on what I’ve heard and seen in the last 2-3 years that I’ve been following Telco SDN space, is that OpenContrail is the most mature SDN platform for Telco NFVs not least because of its unique feature set.
During the time of production deployment at AT&T, Contrail has added a lot of features required by Telco NFVs like QoS, VLAN trunking and BGP-as-a-service. My first acquaintance with BGPaaS took place when I started working on Telco DCs and I remember being genuinely shocked when I first saw the requirement for dynamic routing exchange with VNFs. To me this seemed to break one of the main rules of cloud Continue reading
For the last 5 years OpenStack has been the training ground for a lot of emerging DC SDN solutions. OpenStack integration use case was one of the most compelling and easiest to implement thanks to the limited and suboptimal implementation of the native networking stack. Today, in 2017, features like L2 population, local ARP responder, L2 gateway integration, distributed routing and service function chaining have all become available in vanilla OpenStack and don’t require a proprietary SDN controller anymore. Admittedly, some of the features are still not (and may never be) implemented in the most optimal way (e.g. DVR). This is where new opensource SDN controllers, the likes of OVN and Dragonflow, step in to provide scalable, elegant and efficient implementation of these advanced networking features. However one major feature still remains outside of the scope of a lot of these new opensource SDN projects, and that is data centre gateway (DC-GW) integration. Let me start by explain why you would need this feature in the first place.
OpenStack Neutron and VMware NSX, both being pure software solutions, rely on a special type of node to forward traffic between VMs Continue reading
In the ongoing hysteria surrounding all things SDN, one important thing gets often overlooked. You don’t build SDN for its own sake. SDN is just a little cog in a big machine called “cloud”. To take it even further, I would argue that the best SDN solution is the one that you don’t know even exists. Despite what the big vendors tell you, operators are not supposed to interact with SDN interface, be it GUI or CLI. If you dig up some of the earliest presentation about Cisco ACI, when the people talking about it were the actual people who designed the product, you’ll notice one common motif being repeated over and over again. That is that ACI was never designed for direct human interaction, but rather was supposed to be configured by a higher level orchestrating system. In data center environments such orchestrating system may glue together services of virtualization layer and SDN layer to provide a seamless “cloud” experience to the end users. The focus of this post will be one incarnation of such orchestration system, specific to SP/Telco world, commonly known as NFV MANO.
At the early dawn of SDN/NFV era a Continue reading
SFC is another SDN feature that for a long time only used to be available in proprietary SDN solutions and that has recently become available in vanilla OpenStack. It serves as another proof that proprietary SDN solutions are losing the competitive edge, especially for Telco SDN/NFV use cases. Hopefully, by the end of this series of posts I’ll manage do demonstrate how to build a complete open-source solution that has feature parity (in terms of major networking features) with all the major proprietary data centre SDN platforms. But for now, let’s just focus on SFC.
In most general terms, SFC refers to packet forwarding technique that uses more than just destination IP address to decide how to forward packets. In more specific terms, SFC refers to “steering” of traffic through a specific set of endpoints (a.k.a Service Functions), overriding the default destination-based forwarding. For those coming from a traditional networking background, think of SFC as a set of policy-based routing instances orchestrated from a central element (SDN controller). Typical use cases for SFC would be things like firewalling, IDS/IPS, proxying, NAT’ing, monitoring.
SFC is usually modelled as a directed (acyclic) graph, where the first and Continue reading
For quite a long time installation and deployment have been deemed as major barriers for OpenStack adoption. The classic “install everything manually” approach could only work in small production or lab environments and the ever increasing number of project under the “Big Tent” made service-by-service installation infeasible. This led to the rise of automated installers that over time evolved from a simple collection of scripts to container management systems.
The first generation of automated installers were simple utilities that tied together a collection of Puppet/Chef/Ansible scripts. Some of these tools could do baremetal server provisioning through Cobbler or Ironic (Fuel, Compass) and some relied on server operating system to be pre-installed (Devstack, Packstack). In either case the packages were pulled from the Internet or local repository every time the installer ran.
The biggest problem with the above approach is the time it takes to re-deploy, upgrade or scale the existing environment. Even for relatively small environments it could be hours before all packages are downloaded, installed and configured. One of the ways to tackle this is to pre-build an operating system with all the necessary packages and only use Puppet/Chef/Ansible to change configuration files and Continue reading