Nicholas Skehin

Author Archives: Nicholas Skehin

How Cloudflare Images addressed the aCropalypse vulnerability

How Cloudflare Images addressed the aCropalypse vulnerability
How Cloudflare Images addressed the aCropalypse vulnerability

Acropalypse (CVE-2023-21036) is a vulnerability caused by image editing tools failing to truncate images when editing has made them smaller, most often seen when images are cropped. This leaves remnants of the cropped contents written in the file after the image has finished. The remnants (written in a ‘trailer’ after the end-of-image marker) are ignored by most software when reading the image, but can be used to partially reconstruct the original image by an attacker.

The general class of vulnerability can, in theory, affect any image format if it ignores data written after the end of the image. In this case the applications affected were the ‘Markup’ screenshot editor that shipped with Google Pixel phones from the Pixel 3 (saving its images in the PNG format) and the Windows Snipping tool (with both PNG and JPEG formats).

Our customers deliver their images using Cloudflare Images products and may have images that are affected. We would like to ensure their images are protected from this vulnerability if they have been edited using a vulnerable editor.

As a concrete example, imagine a Cloudflare customer running a social network, delivering images using Cloudflare Images. A user of the social network might Continue reading