Author Archives: Nicole Hemsoth
Author Archives: Nicole Hemsoth
Seismic processing and analysis at scale take scalable HPC resources but also need an analytics backend that can scale with massive datasets. …
ConocoPhillips Sparks Tooling For Seismic HPC, Cloud, AI/ML was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
Global consulting and services giant Deloitte has bold ambitions to lead in enterprise AI transitions, starting with a five-year, billion-dollar investment in everything from vertical-specific technology acquisitions to building personnel and capabilities ranks. …
Enterprise Platform Kingmaker Goes All-In with Nvidia was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
Silent but deadly: there is nothing more destructive than data corruptions that cannot be caught by the various error capture tools in hardware and even in software, can be hard to spot before they have infected an entire application. …
Facebook Architects Around Silent Data Corruption was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
In the accelerated era of exascale supercomputing, MPI is being pushed to its logical limits. …
Rethinking MPI for GPU Accelerated Supercomputers was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
The package is the most compact platform to do heterogenous integration for IP that can’t be naturally integrated in silicon but steady incremental improvements versus game-changing approaches are the only foreseeable path forward. …
Intel Knows It’s All In The Packaging was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
Earlier this year, we projected that 2021 would be the year of quantum computing for drug discovery, positing the idea that this is one of only a few areas where there is big ROI to offset the work required to map codes to quantum systems. …
GlaxoSmithKline Marks Quantum Progress with D-Wave was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
Everyone who can afford it wants to emulate how the hyperscalers operate their infrastructure. …
Hyperscalers Are Pushing Big Banking Infrastructure Around was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
Remember how, just a decade ago, Hadoop was the cure to all the world’s large-scale enterprise IT problems? …
Why the Fortune 500 is (Just) Finally Dumping Hadoop was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
The inception of Google’s effort to build its own AI chips is quite well known by now but in the interests of review, we’ll note that as early 2013 the company envisioned machine learning could consume the majority of its compute time. …
What Chip Startups Can Learn from Google’s TPU Design Team was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
The quantum computing race is on to collect as many Fortune 500 companies to sign onto broad research agreements that send a clear message: quantum may still be on the horizon, but leading enterprises are already taking it seriously. …
IBM Gathers Energy Giants for Quantum Network was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
There is a new challenge workload on the horizon, one where few can afford to compete. …
The Billion Dollar AI Problem That Just Keeps Scaling was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
We live in a world of stratification, social, economic, and technical. …
High-End Chipmakers to Fare Far Better During Semiconductor Crisis was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
Jupyter may have had its beginnings in enterprise data problems but some in the high performance computing community has been adopting it as the prime platform for both data science and AI at massive scale. …
Jupyter Expands Orbit in Supercomputing was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
If time was any judge, no amount of money in the world could break through problems with poor CPU and server utilization. …
$45 Million in Funding to Fix Low Server Utilization was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
When it comes to large companies with significant investments in quantum computing for a broad user base, no one has the momentum IBM currently does. …
IBM Traces Quantum Productivity, Usability Roadmap to 2025 was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
There are a few unignorable trends in high performance computing, especially in the exascale age. …
Can SYCL Slice into Broader Supercomputing? was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
The battle for HPC centers and national labs is underway among the leading AI chip startups in the high-end datacenter space (Graphcore, Cerebras, and SambaNova in particular). …
Waferscale Makes Further AI Supercomputing Inroads was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
In the current quantum computing landscape, there are hardware and software providers with the most prominent players doing both. …
One Company Could Own the Quantum Product Spectrum was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
Earlier this month we posited the idea that 2021 could be the year of quantum computing-led drug discovery and predicted that partnerships like those of Google and European pharma giant Boehringer Ingelheim would be more common with more quantum hardware makers tying the knot with drug manufacturers. …
Pharma Giant Roche Partners for Quantum Drug Discovery was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is getting a significant upgrade to its all-CPU “Cheyenne” supercomputer, bringing it from 5.2 peak petaflops of performance to 19.87 with a combination of AMD CPUs and Nvidia A100 GPUs laid out in an HPE Cray XE (formerly called “Shasta”) system. …
AMD, Cray, Nvidia Behind Massive NCAR Supercomputer Upgrade was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.