Author Archives: Nils Ohlmeier
Author Archives: Nils Ohlmeier
A TURN server helps maintain connections during video calls when local networking conditions prevent participants from connecting directly to other participants. It acts as an intermediary, passing data between users when their networks block direct communication. TURN servers ensure that peer-to-peer calls go smoothly, even in less-than-ideal network conditions.
When building their own TURN infrastructure, developers often have to answer a few critical questions:
“How do we build and maintain a mesh network that achieves near-zero latency to all our users?”
“Where should we spin up our servers?”
“Can we auto-scale reliably to be cost-efficient without hurting performance?”
In April, we launched Cloudflare Calls TURN in open beta to help answer these questions. Starting today, Cloudflare Calls’ TURN service is now generally available to all Cloudflare accounts. Our TURN server works on our anycast network, which helps deliver global coverage and near-zero latency required by real time applications.
When Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4, RFC 791) was designed back in 1981, it was assumed that the 32-bit address space was big enough for all computers to be able to connect to each other. When IPv4 was Continue reading