Author Archives: Rakesh M
Author Archives: Rakesh M
https://meteor-honeycup-16b.notion.site/Site-to-Site-VPN-144441a6ac0b4e39a514adc67a8348d5 — This will be updated frequently and has the entire notes on the topics
Let’s imagine you have built your Continue reading
<MEDIUM:https://raaki-88.medium.com/tshark-packet-analysis-5d0dcc96e56a >
Commands used in the below post. If you wish for a quick reference instead of going through the post sudo tshark -f "tcp port 80" -F pcap -w /var/tmp/port_80_cap.pcap -c 10 sudo tshark -r /var/tmp/port_80_cap.pcap sudo tshark -r /var/tmp/port_80_cap.pcap -Tfields -e ip.src -e tcp.port -e ip.ttl -e ip.dst sudo tshark -f "tcp port 80" -F pcap -w /var/tmp/port_80_cap.pcap -c 10 sudo tshark -r /var/tmp/port_80_cap.pcap -Tfields -Y ip.dst== -e ip.dst -e tcp.dstport sudo tshark -r capture_ospf.cap sudo tshark -r capture_ospf.cap -Y "frame.number == 4" sudo tshark -r capture_ospf.cap -Y "frame.number == 4" -V
Wireshark is famous for packet capture and analysis of various packet-capture files. Basically, if you never used Wireshark before it’s a sophisticated and popular GUI tool for doing packet captures and analysis.
While not every time you need a GUI tool or most importantly you don’t have access to a GUI environment, eg: you are running an EC2 cloud instance of ubuntu, typically you would not install a GUI extension to this, it is meant to run server workloads.
This is where Tshark Continue reading
Am pasting my notes on cleaning up Transit-Gateway and Transit-gateway attachments, this is readily available on AWS documentation but thought I will paste it here if anyone wants to quickly copy and paste the steps instead of going through the documentation. We can be more sophisticated using Python / Ansible / Terraform and parse the outputs for now this is what I did to clean up some practice, do not forget this as it incurred good cost for but got saved by AWS credits!
1. list out available transit-gateway attachments as they are to be deleted first before deleting transit-gateway
aws ec2 describe-transit-gateway-attachments --region us-east-1 | egrep -i TransitGatewayAttachmentI -> This will list out TGW attachments in us-east-1
➜ ~ aws ec2 describe-transit-gateway-attachments --region us-east-1 | egrep -i TransitGatewayAttachmentId
"TransitGatewayAttachmentId": "tgw-attach-01b7c8d7d3bd4e2ca",
"TransitGatewayAttachmentId": "tgw-attach-050c87ef9fb703c98",
"TransitGatewayAttachmentId": "tgw-attach-079921a8810f490ab",
2. Delete the available attachments
aws ec2 delete-transit-gateway-vpc-attachment \
--transit-gateway-attachment-id tgw-attach-01b7c8d7d3bd4e2ca --region us-east-1
aws ec2 delete-transit-gateway-vpc-attachment \
--transit-gateway-attachment-id tgw-attach-050c87ef9fb703c98 --region us-east-1
aws ec2 delete-transit-gateway-vpc-attachment \
--transit-gateway-attachment-id tgw-attach-079921a8810f490ab --region us-east-1
3. ➜ List available Transit gateways
~ aws ec2 describe-transit-gateways --region us-east-1 | egrep -i "Transitgatewayid"
"TransitGatewayId": "tgw-08dfd0c519456953d"
4. Delete transit-gateway
aws ec2 delete-transit-gateway \
--transit-gateway-id tgw-08dfd0c519456953d --region us-east-1
"TransitGateway": Continue reading
Note : I wanted to quickly demo out Kinesis video streaming, I initially thought a local-mac was a good candidate, installation was extremely painful, then I created a ubuntu VM 22.04 had errors, then went to ubuntu 20.04, everything was fine but vmware abstraction was very poor for reason and camera was extremely slow, then finally I have decided that I will compile everything on AWS deeplens (which is inherently had ubuntu as base-os) but looks like deeplens has already covered installation of KVS module which I will write up below.
I was reading about Kinesis and power of Kinesis for huge pipelines of inbound data from various sources, what impressed me was Kinesis could be integrated into AWS Rekognition and AWS sagemaker as well to analyze various points of data streamed in real time video or saved video, apart from that AWS-IOT youtube channel is also planning out new series on integration of AWS Kinesis with S3 for image collection completely from Kinesis streaming video itself.
Related URLs
This is the URL that I have used to follow the process and it was pretty straight forward
AWS Continue reading
<MEDIUM: https://raaki-88.medium.com/linux-debugging-a-python-process-with-gdb-b9ea67173aff>
Have you anytime used py-bt inside gdb or used gdb to trace a linux process, if so you can skip this post
GDB is awesome! Am not a everyday programmer but I have been studying internal of linux and operating systems and its fascinating. I wrote about process last time <https://raaki-88.medium.com/linux-process-what-happens-under-the-hood-49e8bcf6173c> and continuing towards threads, Its now making sense when we import modules in python lets examine below snippet which is typically used in Python.
>>> from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor vs >>> from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor One of the distinctions that I learnt when studying these two functions for multiprocessing is that typical use of ThreadPoolExecutor is when you have IO based activity while ProcessPool is for CPU bound compute activity, I left that
What I now understood is that thread is an integral part of process, there can be multiple threads with in a process and there can be multiple processes, each process needs to be scheduled for CPU cycles and you have different locking mechanism for single process. Now, scheduler algorithm schedules these process as linux is time-sharing based operating system, effectively schedules processes on many factors, Continue reading
<MEDIUM: https://raaki-88.medium.com/linux-process-what-happens-under-the-hood-49e8bcf6173c>
I have taken operating systems for granted but looking internally it’s an excellent experience to understand how everything gets glued together, this post will be an overview of a process and what happens to a process.
A program is nothing but a set of instructions that the user writes for the desired behavior after execution. when the program gets into a running state that’s when you have a process which gets created and gets associated with the program, in other words, this is how to program is abstracted by the process.
Let’s consider the below python program, we will create some Child processes and Parent processes from the program and see how the underlying operating sees when we execute the program.
You don’t have to be a python expert to know what is going on in this program, basically, we can see the python program has an imported OS module and then it calls on fork() operation to create various child processes.
import os def child(): print('\nA new child', os.getpid()) os._exit(0) def parent(): while True: newpid = os.fork() if newpid == 0: child() else: pids = (os.getpid(), newpid) print("Parent: %d, Continue reading
What is FRR? a. License based AWS internal routing platform b. Only supports static routing and IPSEC vpn c. Open-source internet routing protocol suite for *nix platforms d. Support BGP along with ISIS,OSPF networking protocols Answer is at the end of the post, feel free to skip it, I just did not want to make a spoiler residing just below the question
Before I write anything on implementation, I can vouch for FRR stability. It’s an open source internet routing protocol suite and used by many organisations on bare-metal and cloud instances as well, its very stable and
Simply put, FRR can make your bare metal or a cloud instance a routing platform to connect various networks together. The reason why we explore this is that this setup builds onto other posts on how AWS interacts with various routing platforms hosted from on-premises and to show the possibility if someone is considering FRR as an alternative.
Setup is extremely simple but there is one caveat which consumed almost a day for me to figure out and at last it was an answer to a known problem. FRR builds on Quagga which provided Continue reading
MEDIUM: <https://raaki-88.medium.com/traffic-mirroring-interesting-one-aws-advanced-networking-a7e41027c75>
What is Traffic Mirroring ? a. Used for Content Inspection,Threat Monitoring,Troubleshooting b. Can only be implemented with a Load Balancer c. Needs Elastic Fabric Adapter d. Flow logs capture mirrored traffic Answer is at the end of the post, feel free to skip it, I just did not want to make a spoiler residing just below the question
Traffic Mirroring is an awesome concept which can now be implemented with an AWS VPC. You can mirror the traffic and send packets to a EC2 instance or specific appliances for further processing.
*So when a packet gets mirrored it gets VXLAN encapsulated, end host/appliance should be able to decapsulate VXLAN header( we will see a PCAP ).
* Two encapsulations – outer GENEVE(from LB if used) and inner VX-LAN
* Source (which should be monitored — Network Interface)
*Target (Destination of mirrored Traffic)
*Filter (What traffic types should be Continue reading
What is Transit Gateway in AWS used for ? a. Interconnect One or more VPC's eliminating need for full mesh b. customer gateway in only one region c. Enhanced NAT gateway d. Can be used to Connect SD-Wan with VPC's Answer is at the end of the post, feel free to skip it, I just did not want to make a spoiler residing just below the question
The post from transitive routing in AWS had a few different solutions at the end, the one which is most efficient and future-proof would be transit-gateway implementation for inter-VPC communication without needing a full mesh.
We will first explore an example and then come back to some of the concepts
Consider below VPCs, by default, there is no VPC peering and if we want to achieve connectivity we need to do n*(n-1)/2 number of peerings, this will quickly get out of hand as the VPCs increase.
The easiest way to achieve connectivity will be in 3 steps
Before understanding the way AWS does transitive routing, let us try to wrap our head on transitive property in mathematics
What is Transitive Property?A property is called transitive property, if x, y and z are the three quantities, and if x is related to y by some rule, and y is related to z by the same rule, then we can say x is related to z by the same rule.
Alright, now let’s look at the following scenario
So Connectivity from VPC3-VPC1 would work just fine, VPC2-VPC1 will also work just fine while VPC2-VPC3/VPC3-VPC2 via VPC1 will never work in AWS, this is the first thing that we should remember.
I see only downsides! — well not everything is lost in this case, there are security benefits as well, large part of it plays a role in IP Address spoofing. Imagine someone is trying to send a packet to your VPC, check to make sure that the instance won’t accept the packet as that is not locally configured and also instance cannot send any of the packets with any source IP as well, that is one of the preliminary reasons why Source and Destination checks are turned off.
This will be a Series of Posts on eBPF extensively covering XDP and its usage.
New technology, implemented in Linux, extends kernel functionalities without having to modify the kernel, Safe to execute with a verification engine, JIT compiler and LLVM (Virtual Environment) basically a safe and secure tiny VM.
Medium – https://raaki-88.medium.com/what-is-ebpf-how-is-it-used-f897e8fb0934
As my career is mainly in Network Engineering, when some talks about Network performance my initial thoughts jump to increase network throughput, Port-Density, High speed and secure interconnect, I recently came across Systems Performance by Brendan Gregg. I have to say I have never ever imagined that the role is sought out, I went through the book (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Systems-Performance-Enterprise-Brendan-Gregg/dp/0133390098) and I was indeed mind blown by the granularity that one can look into an individual system.
I definitely would recommend anyone in Networking/Cloud/Systems Engineering to go through this book if you haven’t t already, it exposes a whole new level of Linux Kernel and E-BPF and Performance methodologies (Chapter 2) which I instantly fell in love with.
When I first saw the book I was under the initial impression that this was meant for Linux system Continue reading
Who Should Read: If you are interested in VPC Endpoints or if you want to know more about AWS VPC services please continue.
I have been trying to understand endpoint services and thought I will write up a few posts on it, here are some posts I have written on medium(if you have access), I will port them to the blog by the weekend.
Again, these will be ported here as well along with an audio version.
I will keep this post very short, In order to fuel and make the model sustain, https://r2079.wordpress.com/2022/03/18/capturing-bird-photos/, I have thought about including a solar panel and powering the system with a Lithium Ion battery.
I have installed the system and it’s been working fine, I understood I was very bad at Soldering.
I hope this runs continuously using solar power.
If you do not deal with AWS/CloudWatch you don’t have to read this post.
What: The issue was simple, we had a cloud watch alarm for Lambda Function invocation, now the way I wanted was to send us recurring email notifications if the alarm was not addressed, apparently this is not a cloud-watch native feature and there is a work-around for this.
Short Story: Implementing this will have a new step function which will start alarming based on an alert-timer, this won’t by default apply to all the alarms that you configure, you need to specifically tag it with a keyword, more of those options detailed in the article, so based on the timer you set, Cloud-watch say send SNS notification or any action of your choice to get implemented.
Why Article if you have a Link that explains ?: To start with not everything that I encountered was straightforward, the install process requires you to have a docker environment, and a proper node install and then a CDK install, I never did that and it did waste some time so I wanted to document and also this might help anyone to implement the same.
Continuing from the previous post which I have set up to install a bird feeder, I have mentioned that I would install a camera based on the https://mynaturewatch.net/daylight-camera-instructions project and I did install it, this took some really good photos and would like to share some of them.
Few points:
Glad to see these pics, many more to come with Idea to install and make it sustain through solar power
Disclaimer: I speak about reducing plastic and still I use a 3d printer to print a very specific fixture, I have weighed in options and plastic that I end up printing will be out there hopefully feeding birds or can safely be re-cycled until I come up with something innovative, as of now this is the least I could come upon re-using old bottles, helping birds feed and using some plastic to print a fixture. If I have to buy a commercial one, that is again some plastic and I won’t end up re-using it as well, so 3d printing this small fixture for me outweighs the other currently viable solution and this is something I can give out to neighbours and they can easily associate with.
Am proud to say that I have started to take some responsibility towards the environment and other living beings, that to say it’s my first step and now I appreciate even more what environmentalists and other people do to protect other beings, earth and fellow human beings which we don’t have any time to notice and appreciate them.
Once I started doing the below things which are very trivial I feel good and Continue reading
The first two posts covered SRIOV/ ENA settings and use-cases, the next one in the series is about using Intel 82599 Virtual Functions adapter.
Post 1: https://r2079.wordpress.com/2021/12/28/enhanced-networking-1-sriov-aws/
Post 2: https://r2079.wordpress.com/2022/01/08/enhanced-networking-2-verifying-ena/
Instance Types: Select from the following supported instance types: C3, C4, D2, I2, M4 (excluding m4.16xlarge
), and R3.
How can we verify:
At instance Level:
aws ec2 describe-instance-attribute --instance-id i-xx --attribute sriovNetSupport
[cloudshell-user@ip-10-0-119-152 ~]$ aws ec2 describe-instance-attribute --instance-id i-xx --attribute sriovNetSupport
"InstanceId": "i-xx",
"SriovNetSupport": {
"Value": "simple" -> Simple indicates its enabled, if not enabled its empty
At an AMI Level
aws ec2 describe-images --image-id ami-07d8796a2b0f8d29c --query "Images[].EnaSupport"
[cloudshell-user@ip-10-0-119-152 ~]$ aws ec2 describe-images --image-id ami-07d8796a2b0f8d29c --query "Images[].SriovNetSupport"
At an Interface Level
ubuntu@ip-172-31-25-23:~$ ethtool -i ens3
driver: ixgbevf
version: 4.1.0-k
bus-info: 0000:00:03.0
supports-statistics: yes
supports-test: yes
supports-eeprom-access: no
supports-register-dump: yes
supports-priv-flags: yes
Latest Ubuntu HVM and Amazon Linux AMI have drivers for Enhanced Networking, IXGBEVF module and required modules for sriovNetSupport.
There is also the best practices Github guide for ENA Linux best practices and operating system optimisation.
Previous Post – https://r2079.wordpress.com/2021/12/28/enhanced-networking-1-sriov-aws/
As Discussed in Part-1 SRIOV (Enhanced Networking on EC2) can be enabled in two ways, the first in the series is by far the simplest one, Enabling it with using ENA (Elastic Network Adapter).
Great, would that work for any instance – The answer is NO!, below are the specifications, to make summarize any Instance other than C4, D2, M4 instances smaller than m4.16xlarge, or T2 from current generation Instances.
How do I Check:
The Latest Ubuntu / Amazon Linux AMI include the module required for Enhanced networking with ENA installed and enabled for support, if you happen to use the old AMI’s the procedure listed in the above webpage will help
I spin up a T3.large instance and below is how it looks like
You also have the option to verify it in a Cloud shell
How do you know if AMI supports it?
Finally on the interface itself
The next post will be similar but would cover an Intel specific Network Adapter.
A small starter programmable drone that is meant for mostly indoor and has 80 grams of weight with a flight time of 13 minutes.
– Small Drone with under 100 grams weight
– Suitable for kids and anyone who is starting out to get into drones and programmable ones
– Two sites (Tello and tello.edu) offers various addons to support learning and make it more customised for learning
– 13 minutes of Flight time
– 100m Flight distance
– 720p HD Transmission
– 2 Antennas
– you can also have VR headset compatibility
– In collab with DJI and Intel
– Operation via various Apps (Paid and Free ones), Programming Languages ( we are interested in this)
– Throw and Go — you can just toss Tello into the air
– 8d Flips (needs battery more than 50%)
– Bounce mode (flies up and down from your hand)
-First and foremost, there is no way this connects to your home Wifi, Drone goes into an AP Broadcast mode (meaning this starts broadcasting its own AP and we have to connect to it)
This Continue reading
In preparation for AWS Advanced Networking Speciality Track, I have come across Enhanced Networking and application in various scenarios. I am going to cover this in a few different parts in the blog posts.
Enhanced Networking – boils down to speeds (100Gbps vs 10Gbps) , from the picture below you can use enable Enhanced Networking either by choosing ENA stands for Elastic Network Adapter (which is supported by most of current gen instances) or by using Intel 82599 Virtual Function Interface which supports speeds upto 10Gbps with specific Instances.
I have heard about SR-IOV but never did a deep dive into what exactly it does, to be honest. While going through Enhanced Networking documentation on AWS documentation, I have seen mention of SR-IOV at several places.
More on SR-IOV is written in this blog-post, but in short SR-IOV which stands for Single Root I/O Virtualisation provides device virtualisation by using virtual-functions/DMA(Direct memory access)/virtual function devices (VFD’s) and lowering CPU interrupts.
So, the first question is if this enabled by default ? No. you have to manually enable it, per Amazon website https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-types.html#current-gen-instances , all current generation instances Continue reading