Author Archives: Robert McNeil
Author Archives: Robert McNeil
For a long time we used the traditional method of accessing internal database clusters by SSHing to a bastion host. Due to the overhead and limitations of maintaining the SSH configuration, we’ve moved to using Cloudflare Tunnels combined with Cloudflare Access to dramatically improve the user experience and onboarding times related to database access.
Internally we rely heavily on PostgreSQL to power many services at Cloudflare – including Stream, Images and the Cloudflare Dashboard itself. We run our Postgres clusters on our own hardware within our data centers, and they are not accessible to the public Internet, including employee laptops.
When an employee requires access to one of these databases – be it for staging environments, incident management, or supporting production services – an SSH user account is required. This SSH account has limited access on a bastion host, purely for querying databases within the data center.
Provisioning an SSH account to these bastion hosts requires submitting a pull request to our main Infrastructure-as-Code git repository. For engineers this is a cumbersome process, and for non-engineers it is either an unnecessary learning experience, or a burden to whomever they have to Continue reading