Author Archives: Roger Perkin
Author Archives: Roger Perkin
The Cisco Continuing Education Program is a brilliant initiative from Cisco. It is not widely known about but Cisco recently announced a new program to help you re-certify your CCIE without taking the written exam. Continuing Education Program – How does it work? The concept is very simple, you have to obtain 100 credits […]
The post CCIE Recertification Continuing Education Program appeared first on Network Automation.
This is Chapter 1 of my ebook The CCIE Blueprint It covers my journey from Desktop support engineer to CCIE – it was a long journey and hopefully after reading it you can find things that you can do better and shorten your journey. Enjoy! The CCIE Blueprint – Chapter 1 – My Journey I started […]
The post My CCIE Journey appeared first on CCIE Blog.
The Cisco CCIE Lab Builder allows you to run your R&S topologies in the actual CCIE Routing & Switching virtual environment. To access the CCIE Lab Builder you purchase a subscription package from Cisco of either a 100 or 500 hour subscription. 100-Hour, Six-Month Subscription $300 – $3 per hour 500-Hour, 12-Month Subscription – $1000 – $2 […]
The post CCIE Lab Builder Review appeared first on Roger Perkin - Networking Articles.
After passing the CCIE Lab Exam in Routing & Switching v5 on August 27th 2015 my CCIE Plaque has finally arrived. After all the late nights and weekends of studying and the cost of the training, bootcamps, travel and the lab exam fee, what do you get for passing? Well apart from your digits which […]
The post CCIE Plaque has finally arrived! appeared first on Roger Perkin - Networking Articles.
INE have trained over 3,800 CCIE’s more than all the other training companies combined. Once you have submitted your passing story to them, they will feature you on the CCIE Wall of Success. I have made it on there – Still can’t believe it!
The post INE CCIE Wall of Success appeared first on Roger Perkin - Networking Articles.
The CCIE Blueprint Since running this website I have received hundreds of emails from fellow CCIE students from around the world who have asked me questions about all areas of my studies. I try to reply to each and every one with a conclusive answer but this is now taking up too much of my […]
The post The CCIE Blueprint – eBook – Now For Sale appeared first on CCIE Blog.
For a live listing of CCIE jobs visit the CWjobs website here http://www.cwjobs.co.uk/JobSeeking/CCIE Or other live listings on Technojobs http://www.technojobs.co.uk/jobs/ccie This site is not affiliated in any way to the above websites the links are placed here purely for informational purposes.
The post CCIE Jobs – Live Job Listings appeared first on Roger Perkin - Networking Articles.
The is the CCIE V5 expanded blueprint from INE – I will be linking from this blueprint to separate blog posts on each topic as my studies progress. The CCIE V5 blueprint from Cisco does not contain all this detail RSv5 Expanded Blueprint 1.5.1. L2 Protocol Tunneling 1.5.2. Layer 2 MTU 1.6. Miscellaneous 1.6.1. CDP […]
The post CCIE V5 Blueprint appeared first on Roger Perkin - Networking Articles.
Original content from Roger's CCIE Blog Tracking the journey towards getting the ultimate Cisco Certification. The Routing & Switching Lab Exam
The F5 certification path is a series of exams administered by pearsonvue where you start of by passing 2 exams to become an F5 Certified Administrator and then depending on your specialist area you can add to that by becoming an F5 Certified Technology Specialist. The certification cost is $135 per exam which would be $170 […]
Post taken from CCIE Blog
Original post F5 Certification Path – How to become F5 Certified
Original content from Roger's CCIE Blog Tracking the journey towards getting the ultimate Cisco Certification. The Routing & Switching Lab Exam
In my opinion F5 are the market leader in load balancing appliances. If you are just starting out and want to get some experience on the platform how do you do it? With a new F5 4000s coming in around $30,000 its not a cheap box to put in your lab. The answer is the F5 virtual […]
Post taken from CCIE Blog
Original post F5 Virtual Appliance – How to install the VE LTM on ESXi
Original content from Roger's CCIE Blog Tracking the journey towards getting the ultimate Cisco Certification. The Routing & Switching Lab Exam
During my CCIE journey I have used many online resources from paid to free, the list below shows my top 10 ccie related websites that I used on a regular basis to to get information and study material. These range from Cisco to training providers and personal blogs. All which provided benefits to my study. […]
Post taken from CCIE Blog
Original post 10 Websites To Visit If You Want to be a CCIE
Original content from Roger's CCIE Blog Tracking the journey towards getting the ultimate Cisco Certification. The Routing & Switching Lab Exam
Now that I have passed the CCIE Lab exam people are asking me “What are the CCIE benefits?” As for tangible benefits to me personally they are in no particular order: I can now go to the CCIE Apparel store and purchase my CCIE Leather Jacket and other clothing with my CCIE digits on them […]
Post taken from CCIE Blog
Original post CCIE Benefits – What are they?
Original content from Roger's CCIE Blog Tracking the journey towards getting the ultimate Cisco Certification. The Routing & Switching Lab Exam
This is the pilot episode of the CCIE Podcast, a project I started in April 2015 and never completed, but I am now going to test the water. Please note this episode was recorded in April 2015 before my attempt at the exam in May 2015. Sadly I failed and […]
Post taken from CCIE Blog
Original post CCIE Podcast Pilot Episode 1
Original content from Roger's CCIE Blog Tracking the journey towards getting the ultimate Cisco Certification. The Routing & Switching Lab Exam
BGP Dynamic Neighbors are a way to bring up BGP neighbors without specifically defining the neighbors remote IP address. Using the BGP Listen Range command you specify a range of IP addresses typically on your Hub site (maybe in a DMVPN environment) that you trust to become BGP neigbors with you. When a TCP request... [Read More]
Post taken from CCIE Blog
Original post BGP Listen Range Command
Original content from Roger's CCIE Blog Tracking the journey towards getting the ultimate Cisco Certification. The Routing & Switching Lab Exam
If you are a regular visitor to this site or a new one and have learnt anything from it and would like to give something back now is your chance. Please donate whatever you can to support me via the link below. https://www.justgiving.com/Roger-Perkin I will be doing a sponsored Abseil of the Spinnaker Tower in... [Read More]
Post taken from CCIE Blog
Original post Please Sponsor Me: Abseil the Spinnaker Tower
Original content from Roger's CCIE Blog Tracking the journey towards getting the ultimate Cisco Certification. The Routing & Switching Lab Exam
The post describes the process of how to upgrade the IOS / Software on a Cisco 4500X switch. I will not be covering how to do a hitless upgrade using ISSU with 2 switches in a VSS pair. This process is performed on two switches which are not in production. So to perform the upgrade... [Read More]
Post taken from CCIE Blog
Original post How to Upgrade IOS on Cisco 4500X Switch
Original content from Roger's CCIE Blog Tracking the journey towards getting the ultimate Cisco Certification. The Routing & Switching Lab Exam
The Cisco Access Point Default Password is – Cisco / Cisco You could probably have guessed that, but if you are configuring a cisco wireless access point out of the box for the first time you are going to want to know the default password and if you are reading this then you haven’t been... [Read More]
Post taken from CCIE Blog
Original post Cisco Access Point Default Password
Original content from Roger's CCIE Blog Tracking the journey towards getting the ultimate Cisco Certification. The Routing & Switching Lab Exam
The BGP weight attribute is the first on the list in the BGP best path algorithm Prefer the path with the highest WEIGHT. Note: WEIGHT is a Cisco-specific parameter. It is local to the router on which it is configured. So if you want to influence your BGP routing outbound on a cisco router you... [Read More]
Post taken from CCIE Blog
Original post BGP Weight Attribute
Original content from Roger's CCIE Blog Tracking the journey towards getting the ultimate Cisco Certification. The Routing & Switching Lab Exam
As your network grows bigger and your internet traffic grows, it starts to make sense to peer directly with other networks rather than simply pay an ISP to deliver all that traffic. Peering is one of the areas in life where the Pareto principle, also known as the 80-20 rule applies: 20% of your potential... [Read More]
Post taken from CCIE Blog
Original post Peering with Route Servers
Original content from Roger's CCIE Blog Tracking the journey towards getting the ultimate Cisco Certification. The Routing & Switching Lab Exam
The spanning tree portfast command is a very simple feature but often mis-understood. In this short post I will explore how this feature behaves, how it works and how to configure it on a cisco switch. Portfast is a Cisco Propietary feature that was originally developed to overcome an issue when a PC was trying... [Read More]
Post taken from CCIE Blog
Original post Spanning Tree Portfast – The Definitive Guide