Author Archives: Russ
Author Archives: Russ
The post Worth Reading: Marai Strikes Again appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Social Media is Entertainment appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: SF Subway Hacked appeared first on 'net work.
Over at the Networking Nerd, Tom has an interesting post up about openflow—this pair of sentences, in particular, caught my eye—
The side effect of OpenFlow is that it proved that networking could be done in software just as easily as it could be done in hardware. Things that we thought we historically needed ASICs and FPGAs to do could be done by a software construct.
I don’t think this is quite right, actually… When I first started working in network engineering (wheels were square then, and dirt hadn’t yet been invented—but we did have solar flares that caused bit flips in memory), we had all software based switching. The Cisco 7200, I think, was the ultimate software based switching box, although the little 2ru 4500 (get your head out of the modern router line, think really old stuff here!) had a really fast processor, and hence could process packets really quickly. These were our two favorite lab boxes, in fact. But in the early 1990’s, the SSE was introduced, soldered on to an SSP blade that slid into a 7500 chassis.
The rest, as they say, is history. The networking world went to chips designed to switch Continue reading
The post Worth Reading: Kraken appeared first on 'net work.
Assume, for a moment, that you have a configuration something like this—
Some host, A, is sending queries to, and receiving responses from, a database at C. An observer, B, has access to the packets on the wire, but neither the host nor the server. All the information between the host and the server is encrypted. There is nothing the observer, B, can learn about the information being carried between the client and the server? Given the traffic is encrypted, you might think… “not very much.”
A recent research paper published at CCS ’16 in Vienna argues the observer could know a lot more. In fact, based on just the patterns of traffic between the server and the client, given the database uses atomic operations and encrypts each record separately, it’s possible to infer the key used to query the database (not the cryptographic key). The paper can be found here. Specifically:
We then develop generic reconstruction attacks on any system supporting range queries where either access pattern or communication volume is leaked. These attacks are in a rather weak passive adversarial model, where the untrusted server knows only the underlying query distribution. In particular, to perform our attack Continue reading
The post Worth Reading: Navigating the Pentest World appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Akamai on the Krebs DDoS appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: 4G and 5G Mobile Backhaul appeared first on 'net work.
The post On the ‘Net: Engineer Versus Complexity appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: How do I start an IXP? appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: When will SD-WAN be Adopted? appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Social Media for Social Influence appeared first on 'net work.
The post On the ‘Net: BGP Security, LACNOG 26 appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Security and BYOD appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Hacking WiFi for $25 appeared first on 'net work.
Cybersecurity is no longer a corporate or private affair. What once was simply good business practice is now a legal obligation for ISPs, large and small. In Europe, this is the direct consequence of the upcoming EU Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive, to be implemented into national laws within the next few years, but such obligations are reflected in other international and national documents describing contemporary policies and future laws.
The post Worth Reading: Cybersecurity Due Diligence appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Personalized Ransomware appeared first on 'net work.