
Author Archives: Russ

snaproute Go BGP Code Dive (5): Starting a Peer

Last time we looked at the snaproute BGP code, we discovered the peer bringup process is a finite state machine. With this in mind, let’s try to unravel the state machine into a set of calls, beginning from our original starting point, a debug message that prints on the screen when a new peering relationship is established. The key word in the debug message was ConnEstablished, which led to:

func (fsm *FSM) ConnEstablished() {
fsm.logger.Info(fmt.Sprintln("Neighbor:", fsm.pConf.NeighborAddress, "FSM",, "ConnEstablished - start"))
fsm.Manager.fsmEstablished(, fsm.peerConn.conn)
fsm.logger.Info(fmt.Sprintln("Neighbor:", fsm.pConf.NeighborAddress, "FSM",, "ConnEstablished - end"))

From here, we searched for calls to ConnEstablished, and found—

func (fsm *FSM) ChangeState(newState BaseStateIface) {
if oldState == BGPFSMEstablished && fsm.State.state() != BGPFSMEstablished {
} else if oldState != BGPFSMEstablished && fsm.State.state() == BGPFSMEstablished {

Looking for ChangeState leads us to a lot of different calls, but only one that seems to relate to establishing a new peer, as evidenced by a state that relates to established in some way. This, in turn, leads to—

func (st *OpenConfirmState) processEvent(event BGPFSMEvent, data Continue reading