Author Archives: Ryan Knight
Author Archives: Ryan Knight
As you’ve probably noticed over the years, we’re always evolving and improving the look and feel of different aspects of the Cloudflare experience. Sometimes it’s more about function, other times it’s more about form, and most of the time it’s a combination of both. But there’s one area of the site that many users visit even more frequently than they visit the homepage or their dashboard, and strangely enough it hasn’t really seen any major updates in years. And if you’re reading this, that means you're looking at it.
With more than 150 current contributors, and more than 1,000 posts, we have a lot of people dedicating a lot of their time to writing blog posts. And based on the responses I see in the comments, and on Twitter, there are a lot of people who really like to read what these authors have to say (whether it has much to do with Cloudflare or not).
Well, we’d like to finally give some love to the blog. And we really want to know what you, our loyal (or even occasional) readers, think. There are two options to choose from. Continue reading
Cloudflare’s community of users is vast. With more than 6 million domains registered, our users come in all shapes and sizes and are located all over the world. They can also frequently be found hanging out all around the web, from social media platforms, to Q&A sites, to any number of personal interest forums. Cloudflare users have questions to ask and an awful lot of expertise to share.
It’s with that in mind that we wanted to give Cloudflare users a more centralized location to gather, and to discuss all things Cloudflare. So we have launched a new Cloudflare Community at community.cloudflare.com.
It's for anyone and everyone who uses Cloudflare. Whether you are adding your first domain and don’t know what a name server is, or you are managing 1,000s of domains via API, or you are somewhere in between. In the Cloudflare Community you will be able to find tips, tricks, troubleshooting guidance, and recommendations.
We also think this will be a great way to get feedback from users on what’s working for them, what isn’t, and ways that we can make Cloudflare better. There will even be opportunities to Continue reading
Microservices is one of the buzz words of the moment. Beyond the buzz, microservices architecture offers a great opportunity for developers to rethink how they design, develop, and secure applications.
On Wednesday, September 21st, 2016 at 10am PT/1pm ET join SANS Technology Institute instructor and courseware author, David Holzer, as well as CloudFlare Solutions Engineer, Matthew Silverlock, as they discuss best practices for adopting and deploying microservices securely. During the session they will cover:
Don't miss this chance to learn from the pros. Register now!