Author Archives: Shaun Mulligan
Author Archives: Shaun Mulligan
As many of you are aware, it has been a difficult period for companies offering free cloud compute [1]. Unfortunately, Docker’s Autobuild service has been targeted by the same bad actors, so today we are disappointed to announce that we will be discontinuing Autobuilds on the free tier starting from June 18, 2021.
In the last few months we have seen a massive growth in the number of bad actors who are taking advantage of this service with the goal of abusing it for crypto mining. For the last 7 years we have been proud to offer our Autobuild service to all our users as the simplest way to set up CI for containerized projects. As well as the increased cost of running the service, this type of abuse periodically impacts performance for paying Autobuild users and induces many sleepless nights for our team
In April we saw the number of build hours spike 2X our usual load and by the end of the month we had already deactivated ~10,000 accounts due to mining abuse The following week we had another ~2200 miners spin up.
As a result of this we have made the hard choice to remove Autobuilds Continue reading