I did the following presentation “Devops with Kubernetes” in Kubernetes Sri Lanka inaugural meetup earlier this week. Kubernetes is one of the most popular open source projects in the IT industry currently. Kubernetes abstractions, design patterns, integrations and extensions make it very elegant for Devops. The slides delve little deep on these topics. How Kubernetes … Continue reading Devops with Kubernetes→
I presented this webinar “Top 3 reasons why you should run your enterprise workloads on GKE” at NEXT100 CIO forum earlier this week. Businesses are increasingly moving to Containers and Kubernetes to simplify and speed up their application development and deployment. The slides and demo covers the top reasons why Google Kubernetes engine(GKE) is one of … Continue reading NEXT 100 Webinar – Top 3 reasons why you should run your enterprise workloads on GKE→
This week, I did a presentation in Container Conference, Bangalore. The conference was well conducted and it was attended by 400+ quality attendees. I enjoyed some of the sessions and also had fun talking to attendees. The topic I presented was “Deep dive into Kubernetes Networking”. Other than covering Kubernetes networking basics, I also touched … Continue reading Container Conference Presentation→
After an amazing 10+ years stint in Cisco Systems, I have decided to move on. I have joined Google’s cloud division. I thought its a good time to reflect on my learnings in Cisco and what I am looking forward for the next few years. Before joining Cisco, I worked in few startups in US. … Continue reading My new Journey – Cisco to Google cloud→
Debugging Container and Docker Networking issues can be daunting at first considering that containers do not contain any debug tools inside the container. I normally see a lot of questions around Docker networking issues in Docker and stackoverflow forum. All the usual networking tools can be used to debug Docker networking, it is just that … Continue reading Docker Networking Tip – Troubleshooting→
I had promised earlier that I will continue my Docker Networking Tip series. This is second in that series. The first one on Macvlan driver can be found here. In this presentation, I have covered different load balance options with Docker. Following topics are covered in this presentation: Overview of Service Discovery and Load balancing … Continue reading Docker Networking Tip – Load balancing options in Docker→
Docker containers provides an isolated sandbox for the containerized program to execute. One-shot containers accomplishes a particular task and stops. Long running containers runs for an indefinite period till it either gets stopped by the user or when the root process inside container crashes. It is necessary to gracefully handle container’s death and to make … Continue reading Docker features for handling Container’s death and resurrection→
Last few months, I have been looking at Docker forums(https://forums.docker.com/, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/docker) and trying to understand some of the common questions/issues faced in the Docker Networking area. This prompted me to do 2 presentations: Docker Networking overview Docker Networking – Common issues and troubleshooting techniques I received positive feedback to these 2 presentations. As a next step, … Continue reading Docker Networking Tip – Macvlan driver→
Docker Bangalore meetup is a very active group dedicated to topics around Docker and the ecosystem around it. There was a meetup conducted yesterday at IBM office. There was a mix of topics presented including Moby, Linuxkit, Docker for Windows and Docker multi-stage builds. Thanks to Neependra for organizing the meetup, Neependra created this meetup … Continue reading Docker Networking -Common issues and Troubleshooting→
Starting with Docker 17.03, Docker introduced Community edition(CE) and Enterprise edition(CE) version of their Docker software. The release numbering also changed. From Docker 1.13.1, we jump to 17.03 version. Docker CE is the free version while Docker EE is the commercially supported enterprise version. Docker enterprise edition comes in different flavors based on the cost. … Continue reading Docker CE – Installing Test(“RC”) version→
As part of Dockercon 2017, there was an announcement that Linux containers can run as hyperv container in Windows server. This announcement made me to take a deeper look into Windows containers. I have worked mostly with Linux containers till now. In Windows, I have mostly used Docker machine or Toolbox till now. I recently tried … Continue reading Compare Docker for Windows options→
Recently, someone asked me how to create a Docker base image for a Linux variant that they are creating. In this blog, I will cover what a Linux base image is and how to create new base images. Linux Docker base image Following is a sample Dockerfile to create a Python webserver Docker container image. … Continue reading Linux Docker base images→
Dockercon 2017 was the first Docker global conference that I attended. The conference was hosted in Austin, Texas. It was a memorable experience and I had lot of fun attending the conference. In this blog, I will share some of my experiences from Dockercon 2017. I have covered details on important announcements, keynote demos, Cool hacks, … Continue reading Dockercon 2017 – My experiences→
Few weeks back, I did a presentation in Container conference, Bangalore comparing different solutions available to deploy Docker in the public cloud. Slides are available here. I have also put the steps necessary along with short video for each of the options in the github page here. Abstract of the talk: Containers provide portability for … Continue reading Comparing Docker deployment options in public cloud→
In this blog, I have captured some of my learnings on Docker compose files and how they differ between versions. Docker compose is a tool used for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. I have used the famous multi-container voting application to illustrate the differences with compose versions. Following are some questions that I have to … Continue reading Comparing Docker compose versions→
Kubernetes CRI(Container runtime interface) is introduced in experimental mode in Kubernetes 1.15 release. Kubernetes CRI introduces a common Container runtime layer that allows for Kubernetes orchestrator to work with multiple Container runtimes like Docker, Rkt, Runc, Hypernetes etc. CRI makes it easy to plug in a new Container runtime to Kubernetes. Minikube project simplifies Kubernetes … Continue reading Kubernetes CRI and Minikube→
Docker 1.13 version got released last week. Some of the significant new features include Compose support to deploy Swarm mode services, supporting backward compatibility between Docker client and server versions, Docker system commands to manage Docker host and restructured Docker CLI. In addition to these major features, Docker introduced a bunch of experimental features in … Continue reading Docker 1.13 Experimental features→
For folks who want to get started with Docker, there is the initial hurdle of installing Docker. Even though Docker has made it extremely simple to install Docker on different OS like Linux, Windows and Mac, the installation step prevents folks from getting started with Docker. With Play with Docker, that problem also goes away. … Continue reading Docker in Docker and play-with-docker→
This link has the slides that I presented as part of lightning talk at Devops Days India, 2016. In the slides, I have tried to capture how automation in networking area is evolving. I attended first day of the conference and it had a pretty decent collection of talks in Devops area.