This is a continuation of my VIRL, CML blog series. VIRL/CML overview is covered here. In this blog, I will cover L2 connectivity usecase. L3 support has been present in VIRL for quite some time, L2 support was added recently in VIRL. I used the IOSvL2 experimental image for this usecase. Official L2 image is … Continue reading VIRL and CML- L2 connectivity Usecase→
This is a continuation of my VIRL, CML blog series. VIRL/CML overview is covered here. It will be good to connect VIRL, CML networks to outside world. Following are some use cases. If management interface of VIRL routers are accessible from outside machines, we can run management application in the client machine and connect directly … Continue reading Connecting VIRL, CML networks to outside world→
This is a continuation of my VIRL, CML blog series. VIRL/CML overview is covered here. Here, we will create a L3 IGP network running OSPF. I have used IOS nodes for all routers, we can use XR and NXOS routers as well. I didnt do it because the VM images are bigger for XR and … Continue reading VIRL Simulation – L3 connectivity Usecase→
This blog is part of my VIRL and CML series. VIRL/CML overview is covered here. In this blog, I will cover the installation steps and how to get started with the first simulation. I have tried 2 approaches to install CML and 1 approach to install VIRL. Since I work at Cisco, I did not … Continue reading VIRL and CML – Installation→
CML(Cisco Modeling lab) and VIRL(Virtual Internet and Routing lab) are Network modeling platforms from Cisco. I have been trying this out for the last 2 weeks and I am very impressed by what it can do. I feel that the potential for this platform is so huge that it will create a fundamental impact in the … Continue reading VIRL and CML – Overview→
VMWare Player is the Virtualization software/hypervisor provided free of charge by VMWare. Player is for personal use. Paid versions are available as VMWare Player Pro or VMWare Workstation. Following link covers the differences between different editions. I have used Virtualbox for most of my VM needs. There were few recent scenarios where I had to use … Continue reading VMWare Player and VM Networking→
Recently, Broadcom has opensourced API for their network switching asic as part of OpenNSL project. I tried to dig little deep into what it really means and this blog is a result of that. What is really Opensourced? Following picture from Broadcom OpenNSL project clearly illustrates this: Following are some notes: OpenNSL is a layer … Continue reading OpenNSL – Thoughts→
In this blog, I will cover the Google container engine service that I tried out. Pre-requisites: Need Google cloud account. Install Google cloud SDK. Google container engine is not available in the normal gcloud SDK installation. To use container engine service, we need to update preview component. $ gcloud components update preview I followed the … Continue reading Kubernetes and Google container engine→
In this blog, I will cover the steps to run Kubernetes on Google compute VM. I used the steps mentioned here. Pre-requisites: Need Google cloud account. Install Google cloud SDK. First step is to download and unzip Kubernetes tar file from here. Next, we create the cluster using the provided script. export KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=gce ./cluster/ The … Continue reading Kubernetes on Google cloud→
Earlier, I had written a blog on Docker Orchestration. This is a pretty new area and different solutions are being developed to address this problem. Few weeks back, I had written a blog on AWS EC2 Container service. Kubernetes is a Docker Orchestration engine used to manage a cluster of Containers. Google initially developed Kubernetes, … Continue reading Kubernetes – Overview→
I have used AWS for most of my Cloud related needs. Recently, I tried out Google Cloud and I will share some of my experiences with Google Cloud in this blog. The easiest way to get started is to signup for the 60 day trial. This gives 300$ of credit to use Google Cloud for … Continue reading Google Cloud – Getting started→
Earlier, I had written a blog on Opencompute networking project. There were few recent contributions from Facebook to Opencompute. In this blog, I wanted to capture major Opencompute Networking contributions from Facebook. I see these contributions as pretty significant in the context of White box switches. Wedge hardware design for TOR: The goal here was to develop … Continue reading Opencompute Networking – Facebook Contributions→
ONOS is an Opensource SDN controller targeted towards Service providers. I had provided a brief overview of ONOS in 1 of my earlier blog. I tried out ONOS software recently and in this blog, I will share my experiences. ONOS architecture: Following picture from ONOS architecture guide shows the different layers of ONOS at high level. … Continue reading ONOS Overview and Hands-on→
I recently tried out AWS ECS(EC2 Container service). In this blog, I will provide overview of EC2 container service, some hands-on stuff I tried and my experiences with ECS. AWS ECS is available as a preview currently with only CLI interface. I assume general availability with web interface will be available soon. Amazon does not … Continue reading AWS ECS(EC2 Container service)→
This blog is part of my series on Openstack Juno. In this blog, I will cover different management interfaces to Openstack. Following are the different management interfaces available. Horizon web interface CLI interface to each service. CLI interface is provided by Python script. Internally, the script calls the REST interface. REST interface. This is accessible … Continue reading Openstack Juno – Management interfaces→
This blog is part of my series on Openstack Juno. In this blog, I will cover Group based policy in Openstack Juno. For more information on Group based policy(GBP), please refer to my earlier blogs on GBP basics and ODL integration. Group based policy(GBP) support in Juno: Preliminary support for GBP is available in Juno, more … Continue reading Openstack Juno – Group based policy→
This blog is part of my series on Openstack Juno. In this blog, I will cover adding a compute host to the Openstack Devstack cluster and connect the 2 hosts using either vxlan or gre encapsulation. Lets first do the stacking on the controller host using the steps mentioned in my previous blog. Lets look … Continue reading Openstack Juno – Multihost Networking→
This blog is part of my series on Openstack Juno. In this blog, I will cover the usage of Openstack services Swift, Glance, Heat, Ceilometer. Swift: Swift is used for Object based storage. Its similar to AWS S3 service. First, create a container to store objects: $ swift post mycont Upload a file to the container $ … Continue reading Openstack Juno services – Swift, Glance, Heat, Ceilometer→
This blog is part of my series on Openstack Juno. In this blog, I will cover the usage of Openstack services Nova, Cinder. I found this blog on Openstack services good in giving a highlevel overview of services and comparing individual Openstack services with Amazon AWS services. Nova basics: Nova is the Openstack compute service. Following … Continue reading Openstack Juno services – Nova, Cinder→
Earlier, I had written 2 blogs on Openstack devstack Icehouse installation and networking. The feedback was positive on these blogs. This prompted me to do a series on different aspects of Openstack Juno. Openstack Juno is the 10th and latest release of Openstack that got released in October 2014. In the next series of blogs, … Continue reading Openstack Juno Install using Devstack→