This blog is part of my ongoing series on Docker containers. In my previous blog, I covered LXC. When I tried out LXC, I realized that there are lots of similarities between Docker and LXC. Also, I saw a recent announcement about Rocket which is another Container runtime technology. In this blog, I have tried … Continue reading Containers – Docker, LXC and Rocket→
This blog is part of my ongoing series on Docker containers. In this blog, I will take a deviation from Docker and focus on LXC. LXC manages Containers like Docker, there are some differences, I will cover the differences in a later blog. LXC is an Opensource Linux container project from that provides an user space … Continue reading LXC Containers→
This blog is part of my ongoing series on Docker containers. In this blog, I will cover Flannel which is a CoreOS networking solution to connect containers across multiple hosts. Please refer to my first blog on CoreOS to understand CoreOS basics as well as how to setup CoreOS cluster. Flannel Overview: Flannel creates an … Continue reading Docker Networking – CoreOS Flannel→
This blog is part of my ongoing series on Docker containers. In this blog, I will cover basics of CoreOS and some hands-on stuff I tried with CoreOS. As mentioned in my other blog on Docker orchestration, CoreOS falls in the category of specialized Linux distributions that can host Containers and are suitable for massive server deployments. … Continue reading CoreOS overview→
This blog is part of my ongoing series on Docker containers. Weaveworks is developing a Docker Networking solution to connect Containers. I recently played around with their solution and in this blog, I will capture some of my thoughts. Following are some internals on their implementation as I understood: Weave creates a Weave bridge as well as … Continue reading Docker Networking – Weave→
This blog is part of my ongoing series on Docker containers. In my previous blogs 1 and 2, I covered basics of Docker Networking and also covered some of the limitations with the current solutions. In the next few blogs, I will cover Docker Networking solutions from Socketplane, Weaveworks, CoreOS. Socketplane is developing a Docker networking … Continue reading Docker Networking – Socketplane→
This blog is part of my ongoing series on Docker containers. Orchestrating Containers is a pretty complex task and there is a lot of work ongoing to solve this particular problem. There are big companies, startups as well as Opensource projects involved with this work. There are many different technologies and projects ongoing that got … Continue reading Docker Orchestration→
This blog is part of my Docker series. This is a continuation from my previous blog on Docker Networking. In this blog, I will cover current Docker networking limitations, Pipework overview and a sample Docker application where I have linked containers in 2 different hosts. There are 4 networking options that Docker provides when creating … Continue reading Docker Networking – Part2→
This blog is part of my Docker series. In this blog, I will cover basics of Docker Networking that covers the ingress and egress connectivity for containers and how containers are linked together. I will cover advanced networking topics in next blog. When docker service is started, a linux bridge is created on the host machine. … Continue reading Docker Networking – Part1→
This blog is part of my Docker series. In my previous blog, I covered installation and usage of Docker on Ubuntu Linux. I had installed Ubuntu Linux as a VM inside Virtualbox running in Windows 7. For folks who are interested in trying Docker using a simpler approach on Windows or Mac, boot2docker is an … Continue reading Docker hands-on with boot2docker→
This blog is part of my Docker series. In this blog, I will cover some Hands-on stuff that I tried with Docker. I installed Docker in my Ubuntu 12.04 that is running on Virtualbox using the procedure here. I have also installed Docker in Ubuntu 14.04 using the procedure here. To install a specific version of … Continue reading Docker Hands-on→
Even though Linux container technology has been available for quite some time, Docker has revolutionized the container technology with its simple packaging that allows portability of applications. Docker packages the applications along with the dependencies like related libraries into an simple image. This single image can be then run on different locations like bare-metal, VM, … Continue reading Docker Overview→
This is a continuation of my previous blog on Group based policy(GBP). In this blog, I will cover the GBP features in Opendaylight helium release, Use-cases that are published in the Opendaylight wiki as well as different usecase that I tried out. Group based policy in Opendaylight: Following diagram is from Opendaylight GBP wiki: Openstack here … Continue reading Group based policy in Opendaylight→
There is lot of work going on in both Openstack and Opendaylight projects on Group based policy and I will try to capture my learnings in the next few blogs. Group based policy(GBP) is an abstracted way of specifying interactions between the applications rather than using infrastructure specifics. In the networking context, for example, rather … Continue reading Group based policy→
Earlier, I was using Opendaylight Hydrogen release and recently, I tried out Opendaylight Helium release. In this blog, I have shared some of my experiences with Helium. Following are some important additions to Helium compared to Hydrogen. For more details, please refer Opendaylight webpage. Hardening of the controller, Clustering capability, Security options like AAA. Better … Continue reading Opendaylight Helium release→
Someone recently asked me what SDN is? Even though I have written multiple blogs related to SDN, I was not able to give a crisp answer which I was satisfied with. Since its fashionable to associate any new development in Networking to SDN, the definition becomes complex. In this blog, I will mention the different … Continue reading How to define SDN?→
Mininet is a very powerful virtual network emulation system that’s generally used in SDN development environments. With Mininet, a complex network with hundreds of switches can be simulated in a laptop and this opens up testing real-life network usecases. I have covered Mininet usage in 1 of my earlier blogs on tools used with Opendaylight. … Continue reading Mininet Internals and Network Namespaces→
I came across few recent Opensource projects which I found them to be interesting. In this blog, I will cover some details on OPNFV, Openconfig, ONOS. There is no relation between the 3 projects, the common thing is all the 3 projects are focussed on Networking and Cloud and all are relatively new. OPNFV OPNFV … Continue reading Recent Networking Opensource projects – OPNFV, Openconfig, ONOS→
Recently, I came across this tool called Vagrant that eases the creation and sharing of VM work environment. I played with it and found it very useful. Vagrant integrates with VM hosting providers like Virtualbox, Vmware and AWS. Different devops tools like Chef, Puppet, Ansible are integrated with Vagrant. In this blog, I will cover … Continue reading Vagrant – Overview and Opendaylight Vagrant Image→
In the last few months, following were some acquisitions that happened: Cisco acquiring Metacloud, EMC acquiring Cloudscaling, HP acquiring Eucalyptus. Metacloud and Cloudscaling have Openstack based distributions, Eucalyptus has a cloud OS similar to Openstack. This set of acquisitions prompted me to look little closely at Openstack distributions and following blog is a result of this. … Continue reading Openstack distribution→