Tariq Saraj

Author Archives: Tariq Saraj

The Process of Developing and Submitting an IETF Internet Draft: My Story

I had a week off, and being a security domain researcher, I started working on automating security rules in network security components. The goal was to read the existing security rules of the IPv4 protocol and deploy parallel security rules for the IPv6 protocol in the same security component for the newly configured protocol in a network. For this purpose, I started to develop an automation service. The service was intended to use the IPv4 address in a DNS query to resolve the corresponding IPv6 address. The next intended step was to add these same rules in the network security component for the newly resolved IPv6 address. This was when I came to know that the existing DNS protocol does not provide IPv4 to IPv6 resolution and vice versa.

While trying to figure out a solution to this problem, the Internet Society Pakistan Islamabad Chapter announced to carry-out a local IETF-Outreach Program managed by Internet Society Asia-Pacific Bureau. As part of the program, a seminar was conducted that introduced the history of IETF and outlined the process of the Internet standards-making process, including how we could get involved in this process. The most appealing part of the programme was the Continue reading