Author Archives: Thom Wiggers
Author Archives: Thom Wiggers
An introduction to formal analysis and our proof of the security of KEMTLS
Good morning everyone, and welcome to another Post-Quantum–themed blog post! Today we’re going to look at something a little different. Rather than look into the past or future quantum we’re going to look as far back as the ‘80s and ‘90s, to try and get some perspective on how we can determine whether a protocol is or is not secure. Unsurprisingly, this question comes up all the time. Cryptographers like to build fancy new cryptosystems, but just because we, the authors, can’t break our own designs, it doesn’t mean they are secure: it just means we are not smart enough to break them.
One might at this point wonder why in a post-quantum themed blog post we are talking about security proofs. The reason is simple: the new algorithms that claim to be safe against quantum threats need proofs showing that they actually are safe. In this blog post, not only are we going to introduce how we go about proving a protocol is secure, we’re going to introduce the security proofs of KEMTLS, a version of TLS designed to be more secure against quantum computers, and Continue reading
Ever since the (public) invention of cryptography based on mathematical trap-doors by Whitfield Diffie, Martin Hellman, and Ralph Merkle, the world has had key agreement and signature schemes based on discrete logarithms. Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman invented integer factorization-based signature and encryption schemes a few years later. The core idea, that has perhaps changed the world in ways that are hard to comprehend, is that of public key cryptography. We can give you a piece of information that is completely public (the public key), known to all our adversaries, and yet we can still securely communicate as long as we do not reveal our piece of extra information (the private key). With the private key, we can then efficiently solve mathematical problems that, without the secret information, would be practically unsolvable.
In later decades, there were advancements in our understanding of integer factorization that required us to bump up the key sizes for finite-field based schemes. The cryptographic community largely solved that problem by figuring out how to base the same schemes on elliptic curves. The world has since then grown accustomed to having algorithms where public keys, secret keys, and signatures are just a handful of Continue reading