Timothy Prickett Morgan

Author Archives: Timothy Prickett Morgan

With Aquila, Google Abandons Ethernet To Outdo InfiniBand

Frustrated by the limitations of Ethernet, Google has taken the best ideas from InfiniBand and Cray’s “Aries” interconnect and created a new distributed switching architecture called Aquila and a new GNet protocol stack that delivers the kind of consistent and low latency that the search engine giant has been seeking for decades.

With Aquila, Google Abandons Ethernet To Outdo InfiniBand was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Expanding DevOps With Infrastructure As Code

The hyperscalers have taught us many lessons in the past two decades, and one of them is that everything that can be defined in software should be so that it can be controlled automatically and programmatically – and that goes double for hardware, which has required so much human babysitting over the decades.

Expanding DevOps With Infrastructure As Code was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Stacking Up L2 Cache, RIKEN Shows 10X Speedup For A64FX By 2028

Let the era of 3D V-Cache in HPC begin.

Inspired by the idea of AMD’s “Milan-X” Epyc 7003 processors with their 3D V-Cache stacked L3 cache memory and then propelled by actual benchmark tests pitting regular Milan CPUs against Milan-X processors using real-world and synthetic HPC applications, researchers at RIKEN Lab in Japan, where the “Fugaku” supercomputer based on Fujitsu’s impressive A64FX vectorized Arm server chip, have fired up a simulation of a hypothetical A64FX follow-on that could, in theory, be built in 2028 and provide nearly an order of magnitude more performance than the current A64FX.

Stacking Up L2 Cache, RIKEN Shows 10X Speedup For A64FX By 2028 was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Spectrum-4 Ethernet Leaps To 800G With Nvidia Circuits

When Nvidia announced a deal to buy Mellanox Technologies for $6.9 billion in March 2019, everyone spent a lot of time thinking about the synergies between the two companies and how networking was going to become an increasingly important part of the distributed systems that run HPC and AI workloads.

Spectrum-4 Ethernet Leaps To 800G With Nvidia Circuits was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Nvidia Will Be A Prime Contractor For Big AI Supercomputers

Normally, when we look at a system, we think from the compute engines at a very fine detail and then work our way out across the intricacies of the nodes and then the interconnect and software stack that scales it across the nodes into a distributed computing platform.

Nvidia Will Be A Prime Contractor For Big AI Supercomputers was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

AMD Rounds Out “Aldebaran” GPU Lineup With Instinct MI210

When the “Aldebaran” datacenter GPUs were launched by AMD last November for the HPC and AI crowd pushing up into the exascale stratosphere, only the two top-end models of the Instinct GPU accelerators –ones that use the Open Accelerator Module (OAM) form factor put forth by Facebook and Microsoft under the Open Compute Project – were actually available.

AMD Rounds Out “Aldebaran” GPU Lineup With Instinct MI210 was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

“Milan-X” 3D Vertical Cache Yields Epyc HPC Bang For The Buck Boost

Last fall ahead of the SC21 supercomputing conference, AMD said it was going to be the first of the major compute engine makers to add 3D vertical L3 cache to its chips, in this case to variants of  the “Milan” Epyc 7003 series of processors that debuted in March 2021 called the “Milan-X” chips.

“Milan-X” 3D Vertical Cache Yields Epyc HPC Bang For The Buck Boost was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

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