Timothy Prickett Morgan

Author Archives: Timothy Prickett Morgan

Burning Cash Like Rocket Fuel To Get Hashi Stack To The Next Stage

Creating a platform is a massive technical challenge. We have seen many technically elegant ones in recent years – Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, the original OpenShift, Photon Platform, Mesos, OpenStack come immediately to mind – that didn’t quite make it, and importantly did not rise to the economic challenge of making enough money to sustain the continued development and support of that platform to have to reach tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands, to millions of customers.

Burning Cash Like Rocket Fuel To Get Hashi Stack To The Next Stage was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Teaching Kubernetes To Do Fractions And Multiplication On GPUs

When any new abstraction layer comes to compute, it can only think in integers at first, and then it learns to do fractions and finally, if we are lucky – and we are not always lucky – that abstraction layer learns to do multiplication and scale out across multiple nodes as well as scaling in – slicing itself into pieces – within a single node.

Teaching Kubernetes To Do Fractions And Multiplication On GPUs was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

How China Made An Exascale Supercomputer Out Of Old 14 Nanometer Tech

If you need any proof that it doesn’t take the most advanced chip manufacturing processes to create an exascale-class supercomputer, you need look no further than the Sunway “OceanLight” system housed at the National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi, China.

How China Made An Exascale Supercomputer Out Of Old 14 Nanometer Tech was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

A Cornucopia Of Memory And Bandwidth In The Agilex-M FPGA

When it comes to memory for compute engines, FPGAs – or rather what we have started calling hybrid FPGAs because they have all kinds of hard coded logic as well as the FPGA programmable logic on a single package – have the broadest selection of memory types of any kind of device out there.

A Cornucopia Of Memory And Bandwidth In The Agilex-M FPGA was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

GraphCore Goes 3D With AI Chips, Architects 10 Exaflops Ultra-Intelligent Machine

The 3D stacking of chips has been the subject of much speculation and innovation in the past decade, and we will be the first to admit that we have been mostly thinking about this as a way to cram more capacity into a given compute engine while at the same time getting components closer together along the Z axis and not just working in 2D anymore down on the X and Y axes.

GraphCore Goes 3D With AI Chips, Architects 10 Exaflops Ultra-Intelligent Machine was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Aurora In A Socket: What Intel’s “Falcon Shores” XPU Might Do

We are still chewing through some of the announcements that came out of Intel Investor Day and the ISSCC 2022 chip conference, and one of the things we want to circle back on is the “Falcon Shores” hybrid CPU-GPU that Intel is working on for future servers.

Aurora In A Socket: What Intel’s “Falcon Shores” XPU Might Do was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

NCAR Pits Azure Cloud Against Its Own Big Iron For Climate Models

When people think of supercomputers, they think of a couple of different performance vectors (pun intended), but usually the first thing they think of is the performance of a big, parallel machine as it runs one massive job scaling across tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of cores working in concert.

NCAR Pits Azure Cloud Against Its Own Big Iron For Climate Models was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

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