Author Archives: Timothy Prickett Morgan
Author Archives: Timothy Prickett Morgan
Among the emerging themes for 2019 in the datacenter, one of them is that NVM-Express is finding its place in the storage hierarchy. …
NVM-Express Storage Goes Mainstream Over Ethernet Fabrics was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
The hyperscalers and cloud builders of the world put a third of their installed base into the trash compactor every year because it is much less costly for them to keep upgrading machinery than it is to operate older stuff that eats space and burns power and cooling less efficiently. …
Voracious Appetite For Compute Is The New Normal was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
The related but distinct HPC and AI markets gave Nvidia a taste for building systems, and it looks like the company wants to control more of the hardware and systems software stack than it currently does given that it is willing to shell out $6.9 billion – just about all of the cash it has on hand – to acquire high-end networking equipment provider and long-time partner Mellanox Technologies. …
Connecting The Dots On Why Nvidia Is Buying Mellanox was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
The amount of rejiggering among the IT vendors serving enterprise customers (as distinct from hyperscalers, cloud builders, and HPC centers) in the past decade and a half has been astounding. …
The New Bellwether For Enterprise IT was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
For the past decade, we have documented the attempted rise of ARM processors in the datacenter, specifically in general purpose servers. …
Arm Sharpens Its Edge With The “Helios” Neoverse E1 was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
For the past decade, flash has been used as a kind of storage accelerator, sprinkled into systems here and crammed into bigger chunks there, often with hierarchical tiering software to make it all work as a go-between that sits between slower storage (or sometimes no other tier of storage) and either CPU DRAM or GPU HBM or GDDR memory. …
Stretching GPU Database Performance With Flash Arrays was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
Sometimes, a startup takes such a new and profound approach to a problem that it is hard to know where to begin to describe how radical of a change that company has made in developing its product. …
Vast Data Clustered Flash Storage Bans The Disk From The Datacenter was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
Any on premises HPC cluster has its own limits of scale and throughput. …
Western Digital Drives HPC Simulation Scale On AWS was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
There are two camps of server makers in the world. Those that are aimed at hyperscalers and cloud builders, which buy in lots of 50,000 or 100,000 servers and which therefore have enough leverage for the tail to wag the manufacturing dogs. …
The Transformation Of The Next HPE Continues was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
One of the big problems of servers, storage, and networking, oddly enough, is that in the individual elements in which they are sold, there is a perception that they are not all that expensive. …
The Long Road Back To Utility Pricing For Systems was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
It has been our position from the beginning, when Google first open sourced the Kubernetes container controller, that it wanted for this to be the controller that ruled the datacenter. …
Google Wants Cloud Services Platform To Borg Your Datacenter was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
When Arm Holdings, the division of the Softbank conglomerate that designs and licenses the core component of the processor architecture that bears its name, launched its Neoverse revamping of the Arm architecture for the datacenter and the edge last October, the company put the architecture on a strict annual cadence and promised to deliver 30 percent performance increases at the system level with each generation. …
ARM Goes To War In The Datacenter With “Aries” Designs was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
The need to host, process, and transmit more data, in less time and more securely, is putting huge strain on existing datacenter network, server, and storage architectures, with the demands of specific applications like artificial intelligence, machine learning, image recognition, and data analytics exacerbating the problem. …
Ethernet And The Future Of Data Networking was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
To a certain way of looking at it, Nvidia has always been engaged in the high performance computing business and it has always been subject to the same kinds of cyclical waves that affect makers of supercomputers and enterprise systems. …
The Computing Needs Of Earth Are Not Yet Satisfied was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
Earlier in this decade, when the hyperscalers and the academics that run with them were building machine learning frameworks to transpose all kinds of data from one format to another – speech to text, text to speech, image to text, video to text, and so on – they were doing so not just for scientific curiosity. …
IBM Mashes Up PowerAI And Watson Machine Learning Stacks was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
If you look at the very long history of Cray, the company has done a remarkable job expanding its market, not just participating in it. …
Shasta Sets Up Cray For Commercial HPC And Supercomputing Expansion was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
IBM, which arguably has the largest remaining big iron server business in the world, is one step closer to making systems based on its own Power processors peers to the Xeon-based machinery that utterly dominates its IBM Cloud public cloud. …
IBM Puffs Up Power Iron On Its Public Cloud was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
Applications do not need to use all elements of a system all the time, and usually not all at the same time for that matter. …
PCI-Express Lends Server Composability A Hand was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
History and economics – as if you could separate the two – are burgeoning with examples of products being developed for one task and then being used, perhaps after some tweaking, for an entirely new and usually unexpected task. …
Will The Harmonic Convergence Of HPC And AI Last? was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
While there is no question that Amazon Web Services is the largest and most profitable public cloud on planet earth, and that it provides the best subsidy imaginable for a cut-throat online retail business that is its parent company, AWS has not taken over the entire IT world any more than Amazon has become the sole place to buy stuff. …
When Does AWS Break Through $100 Billion? was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .